世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/12 20:42
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  • Are you here on business?

  • Are you here on vacation?

Are you here on business? (お仕事) Are you here on vacation?(旅行) Are you here to study?(留学) とてもよくつかわれるフレーズです。 ぜひ使ってみてください。 <ボキャブラリー> business = 仕事、ビジネス vacation = 旅行 study = 勉強
Natsuka K 英語講師
  • Are you here in Japan for work, or for travel?

"Or" gives the option between two choices. The other person can also add their own option, if they wish.
"Or" は二つのものに「選択肢」を与えます。相手は自分の選択肢を追加することもできます。
Kathryn A DMM英会話講師
  • Are you visiting Japan for business or pleasure?

  • Is this a business trip?

  • Are you on holiday?

The first suggestion is the way that I would personally ask somebody for the desired information, although this is quite a formal way to ask, and perhaps a little serious; it is however very polite. The second and the third suggestions are much more casual and friendly, as well both being much more direct; they are both however still a polite way to ask for the reason of their visit.
個人的には一つ目の例を使うと思います。これはかなりフォーマルな言い方で、あるいは少し堅い感じになるかもしれません。ただ、非常に丁寧です。 二つ目と三つ目の例はそれよりもはるかにフレンドリーでカジュアルで、また直接的です。ただそれでも、どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be working whilst you are in Japan, or are you on holiday?

  • What is the purpose of your visit to Japan?

  • Why are you in Japan?

The first phrase is friendly, conversational, informal and an "open" question. It will encourage the other person to give a more detailed answer, rather than just "yes" or "no". The second phrase is more formal, but still polite, and may come from someone in authority, for example an airport official. The third phrase is very direct language.and would probably sound unnecessarily harsh. It also has a feeling of accusation associated with it, as if the person being questioned may have done something wrong.
一つ目のフレーズはフレンドリーで、口語的、インフォーマルで、「オープン」な質問です。単に「イエス」「ノー」ではなく、より具体的な回答を引き出します。 二つ目のフレーズはよりフォーマルで丁寧です。空港の職員など権限のある立場の人から聞かれることがあるかもしれません。 三つ目のフレーズは非常に直接的で、とげとげしさがあります。相手が何か悪いことをして追求しているような雰囲気もあります。 「オープン」な質問 = 二者択一で返答できる質問ではなく、自由に返答できる質問。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Are you here for business or pleasure?

  • Are you in Japan for work or on vacation?

Business- work Pleasure - vacation/ holiday etc. A: I'm going to Japan next week. B: Oh lovely! Is it for business or pleasure? - This means you are asking them if it is for work or for a vacation.
Business- 仕事 Pleasure - 「休暇」などの意味。 A: I'm going to Japan next week.(来週日本に行きます) B: Oh lovely! Is it for business or pleasure?(いいですね!それは仕事ですか休暇ですか) →Is it for business or pleasure? は「それは仕事ですかそれとも休暇ですか」の意味です。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Are you here to work or on a holiday?

  • Have you come here as a tourist or for your work?

  • Will you be working while you're here or seeing the sights?

1. A direct simple question is often the best - "work or holiday" is simple and clear. Present simple tense is used even without a time reference as it describes an action that is assumed to be recent. 2. To call yourself a "tourist' implies you are here to enjoy yourself and relax. Present perfect is used because you want to suggest that they arrived sometime in the past up to the present, but you're not sure when. 3. Using the simple continuous tense (are you working?, seeing the sights) is also appropriate as it suggests an ongoing action that will continue while they're here.
1. しばしば、シンプルで単刀直入な聞き方に勝るものはありません。"work or holiday" はシンプルかつ明快です。これは最近日本に来た人のようなので、現在時制を使って時期についても言及せずに伝えています。 2.「自分は "tourist" である」というと、そこに観光で訪れているというニュアンスになります。過去のある時点にやって来て現在までそこにいる、そしてそれがいつなのかは分からないということで、現在完了形が使われています。 3. これは日本にいる間継続される行動のニュアンスなので、現在進行形 (are you working?, seeing the sights) も使うことができます。
Mikey J DMM英会話講師
  • "What brought you to Japan?"

  • "What made you decide to come to Japan?"

If you want to know the reason someone came to Japan, you could simply say, "Why did you come to Japan?" But if you say, "What brought you to Japan?" then it sounds a little nicer, and it ask them to give you a reason for coming to Japan. For instance, they may have come to Japan because their job required them to do so. So their job "brought" them to Japan. "What made you decide to come to Japan?" is a nice way to start a conversation about why they came to Japan. Usually this question will get you a long detailed answer as to why they came to Japan.
ある人が日本に来た理由を確認したいなら、シンプルに "Why did you come to Japan?"(どうして日本に来たのですか)と言えます。 "What brought you to Japan?" はそれよりも少し丁寧な言い方です。これも日本に来た理由を尋ねます。例えば、その人は仕事の用事で日本に来たのかもしれませんよね。その場合、仕事がその人を日本に "brought"(連れて来た)となります。 "What made you decide to come to Japan?"(どうして日本に来ようと思ったのですか)は、会話のきっかけとしてすごく良いです。この質問をすると普通、日本に来た理由について長く詳細な返答が返ってきます。
Miykael DMM英会話講師
  • Business or pleasure?

  • Did you visit here for a holiday?

"Business or pleasure" This question is used when asking someone, often who is travelling abroad or to a distant location from their home, if they are visiting the location for a business trip (for their work) or it is for pleasure (they are on holiday). holiday is the term used in the UK for vacation. Holiday = Vacation.
"Business or pleasure"(仕事ですか休暇ですか) これは、それが出張なのか休暇なのかを尋ねます。海外など自宅から遠く離れた場所を訪れている人に対してよく使われる質問です。 イギリスでは 'Vacation'(休暇)の意味で 'Holiday' が使われます。 Holiday = Vacation
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Are you here for work or on holiday?

  • Are you here for work or play?

  • Did you come to Japan for work or are you just visiting?

When you want to ask someone for the reason that they are in Japan - whether it's for work or simply traveling; then you may ask in the following ways: -Are you here for work or on holiday? -Are you here for work or play? -Did you come to Japan for work or are you just visiting?
日本を訪れている人に、仕事で来ているのか旅行で来ているのか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Are you here for work or on holiday?(仕事ですか、それとも休暇ですか) -Are you here for work or play?(仕事ですか、それとも休暇ですか) -Did you come to Japan for work or are you just visiting?(日本には仕事でいらしたのですか、それとも旅行ですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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