世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/23 17:32
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  • I could not speak well in today's class.

  • Today was a bad day for me as I could not speak much in the class.

上手く話せなかったを英語で、以下の言い方で表せます: 'I could not speak well' 'Ah..I don't know what happened today but I could not speak at all.' 'It was a terrible day today. I did not utter a single word (in the class).' 全然言葉が出てこなかったーNot a single word I could speak. 以上が個人的によく使う表現になりますので、あくまでもご参考の程度までにして下さると幸いです。
  • I didn't do well in speaking English today during my lesson.

  • I don't think my English conversation was the best today in my lesson.

Both of these sentences explains you didn't do well today. If there is a reason you can always say, "I was distracted today, so my English conversation was so bad today." or "I was really tired, so I wasn't able to speak English well during my class." You can give an excuse to why you feel you didn't do well today.
両方の文章は、今日あなたが上手く行かなかったことを説明 しています。もしその理由がある場合は、このように言えま す: "I was distracted today, so my English conversation was so bad today." (今日は気が散ってしまった、だから英会話 が酷かった)或いは、"I was really tired, so I wasn't able to speak English well during my class." (とても疲れてた、だ から授業でうまく英語がはなせなかった)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I did not express myself very well in todays lesson.

  • I did not convey the points I had wanted to make well in todays lesson.

  • I could not find the appropriate words to express myself in today's lesson.

In the effort to convey that one did not speak well in their class, the said person may use the above expressions. By saying you did not express or convey your views and opinions very well you are indicating that you were not able to communicate what you thought or meant. You may also say ; I could not find the appropriate words to express myself in today's lesson. appropriate-Suitable or proper.
授業でうまく話せなかったことを伝えるには、上記の例文が 使えると思います。表現が出来なかったり、考えや意見を伝 えられなかったと言うことは、自分が何にを考えたのかや 意味したのかを、自分自身が理解出来なかったことを表して います。他の言い方としては;”I could not find the appropriate words to express myself in today's lesson.” (今日の授業で自分自身を表現する的確な言葉を、見つける ことが出来なかった) appropriate-適切な、ふさわしい、等という意味。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • 1. My speaking was well below par in my English class today

  • 2. In terms of speaking English in class today, I feel my input was disappointing

  • 3. In English class today, my speaking was crap!

1. If you are 'below par' at something, it means you are performing below your normal level. 'Par' is a golfing term. 2. You can say 'I think...' or 'I feel...' and then explain yourself. It is believed that people who say 'I feel..' may be more artistic and sensitive than people who use, 'I think...' 3. If something is 'crap' it means it is useless or woefully bad (equivalent to 'shit'). This is SLANG so is not for business meetings! However, it is widely used conversationally in the UK.
1. ‘Below par’という表現は、「いつものパフォーマンスより下」という意味があります。’par’という言葉はゴルフで使われる用語です。 2. ‘I think’ や‘I feel’ を文頭につけるこで、自分自信について話すことができます。I feel をつける人は、I think を使う人より芸術的だと言われています。 3. Crapという言葉はとても悪い状態や使い物にならないという時に使う単語で隠語なため、ビジネスには的しません。(shitという言葉に近いものです。) ですが、日常的な会話ではよく使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I am having trouble speaking English today.

  • I apologize for not speaking English well today.

  • I'm sorry I am having a hard time speaking English clearly today.

I'm sorry I am having trouble speaking English today. I apologize for not speaking English well today. I'm sorry I am having a hard time speaking English clearly today. I'm just not speaking English well today, please forgive me. My brain is a bit foggy so I can't speak English well today. I am struggling with my English today, please be patient with me.
I'm sorry I am having trouble speaking English today. (今日は英語がうまく話せなくてすみません。) I apologize for not speaking English well today. (今日は英語がうまく話せなくてすみません。) I'm sorry I am having a hard time speaking English clearly today. (今日は英語がしっかりと話せなくてすみません。) I'm just not speaking English well today, please forgive me. (今日は英語がうまく話せません。許してください。) My brain is a bit foggy so I can't speak English well today. (頭が少しぼんやりしているので、今日は英語をうまく話すことができません。) I am struggling with my English today, please be patient with me. (今日英語に苦戦しています。我慢してください。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I wasn't able to speak very well during my English lesson today

  • My English speaking skills weren't up to scratch today

"I wasn't able to speak very well during my English lesson today" This sentence is implying that today, in an English lesson you were not able to speak very well, your speaking wasn't at your best. "My English speaking skills weren't up to scratch today" For something to not be 'Up to scratch' this is stating that it was not very good, and not to the best of your ability, meaning you could had done better.
"I wasn't able to speak very well during my English lesson today" (今日のレッスンではあまりうまく話せませんでした。) これは、今日の英語のレッスンで英語をあまりうまく話せなかったことを伝える文です。   "My English speaking skills weren't up to scratch today" (今日の英語のスピーキングはよくなかった。) not be 'Up to scratch' とは、よくなかった、言い換えるともっとうまくできたはずだという意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I remained silent during my English lesson today, why is this?

  • I never uttered a word during my English lesson today.

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we really want to respond, but for some reason we just remain silent. This often happens when you lack ease of speech and confidence, for example if you kept silent during your English lesson when you knew the answer. It can also be that other people did not give you the opportunity to speak out and voice yourself, or simply that you remained quiet. This can be sometimes explained also due to a person feeling poorly or not finding the lesson stimulating enough that they actively wanted to participate or that they did not know the answer. This situation can be easily rectified by you making a point of communicating with your teacher, either verbally or if you are unable write to her and she can translate. Teachers are there to help students progress and are humans too! A good teacher will always listen and try and help so please don't remain silent.
すごく答えたい場合があるけれど、ある理由で静かになってしまうことがあるかもしれません。例えば、英語のレッスン中に答えがわかっているのに黙ったままなど、気軽にはなせず、自信がないときによくあることです。 また、他の人が話す隙を与えず、自分の言いたいことを伝えられなかったり、単に沈黙していただけのときもあります。また、その人が気まずく感じていたり、参加したいと思えるような刺激的なレッスンでなかったり、答えがわからなかったりといった場合もあります。 この状況は、先生と話したり、手紙がかけないなら翻訳してもらうなどコミュニケーションをとることで簡単に改善することができます。先生は生徒を助けるためにいるものです。いい先生というのは、いつも話を聞いてくれるので試してみてください。黙ったままでいないようにしてくださいね!
Roisin DMM英会話講師
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