In the UK we tend to use the word injection rather than shot shot is more of an american word
The vaccination/vaccine is the liquid used that is given to prevent getting certain illnesses or diseases so for example we give flu vaccines in the winter to prevent people getting it as bad and being really ill
Immunisation is another word for vaccine/vaccination
When talking about getting a vaccination we can say, "I got a shot for polio." or, "I got a vaccine shot for polio." You can use these coupled with the name of the shot you received for the disease.
予防接種を受けることを話している時は、 "I got a shot for polio." 又は"I got a vaccine shot for polio."(ポリオの予防接種を受けた)と言います。あなたが受けた予防接種の病名と一緒にこれらの両方の文を使うことが出来ます。
A vaccination is the name of the actual shot that you receive to prevent getting a certain disease. Immunization is word used to describe what is happening in your body after the shot is administered. The immune system is being introduced to a new disease to build up a tolerance or immune to it. Many people not familiar with medical terms may use both of these words interchangeably.
Here are three different words to explain that you are going to be getting an injection to prevent yourself from getting the flu.
"Immunization"- You get many different immunizations so you need to explain that this one is for the flu. Immunizations are normally given to children.
Eg I am going to be getting the flu immunization.
"Vaccination"- this is an injection to stop you from getting something. There are many different types so you have to say the flu.
Eg I am going to get the flu vaccination tomorrow.
"Shot"- This is a slang word for injection.
Eg I am going to get a flu shot in the morning.
例: I am going to be getting the flu immunization.
"Vaccination"- これは、ある病気を防ぐために受ける注射のことを指します。いろいろな種類があるので、インフルエンザの予防接種であることを伝えましょう。
例: I am going to get the flu vaccination tomorrow.
例: I am going to get a flu shot in the morning.
The two sentences you see provided above are common ways to express to your listener that you got a vaccination. In the first sentence you will see the word shot and in the second sentence you will see the word injection. Although these two nouns have different meanings, in these sentences they both mean vaccination.
「予防接種」は英語で vaccine / vaccination と言うことができます。
インフルエンザの予防接種に関しては flu shot と言うことも多いです。
flu は influenza(インフルエンザ)の略です。
Did you get your flu shot already this year?