Some Christians/Mormons/Jehovah's Witnesses approached me outside ~ station and tried to recruit me.
I was approached outside ~ station by some religious group members who tried to recruit me.
Some religious group members approached me outside ~ station and tried to persuade me to join their church (またはtemple)
「〇〇駅で宗教勧誘された」= Some Christians/Mormons/Jehovah's Witnesses approached me outside ~ station and tried to recruit me. / I was approached outside
~ station by some religious group members who tried to recruit me. / Some religious group members approached me outside ~ station and tried to persuade me to join their church (またはtemple)
Christians =キリスト教徒
Mormons = モルモンの教徒
Jehovah's Witnesses = エホバの証人
approach = 話しかける・接近する
try to ~ = ~しようとする
recruit = 募集する・勧誘する
religious group members = 宗教(団体)のメンバー
persuade = 説得する
church = 教会
I was approached by religious solicitors at XX station.
「〇〇駅で宗教勧誘された」は、英語では "I was approached by religious solicitors at XX station."と言えます。ここで"approached"は「近づかれる、アプローチされる」、「religious solicitors」は「宗教の勧誘者」をそれぞれ表します。
また「〇〇駅で宗教の勧誘に遭った」を"I encountered religious solicitation at XX station" という形でも表現できます。「encountered」は「出会った、遭遇した」、「solicitation」は「勧誘」をそれぞれ表します。