世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/30 07:59
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  • I want to ask all questions at once at the end of your lesson.

『まとめて質問をする』の『まとめて』は、 in one go all at once altogether all in one piece という言い方があります。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • Do you think I could ask all the questions at once after your lessons ends?

  • I’d appreciate it if I could ask all the question together after the end of your lesson.

BAYさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. Do you think I could ask all the questions at once after your lessons ends? (逐語訳)質問を全部まとめて、先生のレッスンが終わってから、聞いていいですか? 2. I’d appreciate it if I could ask all the question together after the end of your lesson. (逐語訳)レッスンが終わってから、私の質問みんなまとめて、聞くことは可能だったら感謝します。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I'll wait until the end of the lesson to ask any questions.

  • I will reserve my questions until the end of the lesson.

"I'll wait until the lesson is finished to ask any questions." "I'll" - I will. "Finished" the end of class or when the material has all been covered. "I will reserve my questions until the end of the lesson." Reserve - keep until the end, hold them back, etc. You could also say... "I will write my questions down and ask them at the end of class." This way your teacher knows you have your questions recorded and you will not forget them.
I'll wait until the lesson is finished to ask any questions." (授業が終わってから質問します。) "I'll" - I willの省略 "Finished" 授業の最後、もしくはその日の内容を全て終わらせた後 "I will reserve my questions until the end of the lesson." (質問は授業が終わってからします。) 以下のように言うこともできます。 "I will write my questions down and ask them at the end of class."(質問を書き出して授業の最後に聞きます。) この場合、質問したいことを書き出しているので忘れずに聞く、という事が先生に伝わるでしょう。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I want to save my questions until the end of the lesson

  • I want to ask all my questions at the end

  • I want to ask all my questions once we have finished the lesson

If you are worried your questions will interrupt your teacher or disrupt the flow of the lesson you can say: "I want to save my questions until the end of the lesson." "I want to ask all my questions at the end." "I want to ask all my questions once we have finished the lesson."
もしもあなたの質問が先生またはレッスンの流れを邪魔することを心配している場合は以下のように言うことができます: "I want to save my questions until the end of the lesson." (私は質問をレッスンの最後までとっておきたいです。) "I want to ask all my questions at the end." (私は全ての質問を最後にしたいです) "I want to ask all my questions once we have finished the lesson." (私は全ての質問をレッスンが終わってからしたいです)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Can I ask any questions at the end of our lesson?

Some students ask questions as the need occurs during a lesson, whilst others may prefer the idea of a question session at the end of the lesson. "Can I...?" is an informal way of asking permission. "Can I open a window?"
レッスン中に質問する生徒も居れば、レッスン後まで質問するのを待つことを好む生徒も居ますね。"Can I...?"(○○してもいいですか?)は、何かに対して許可を得るためのカジュアルな聞き方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will ask all of my questions at the end of the lesson.

  • Can I please ask all of my questions at the end of the lesson?

If you would like to tell your teacher that you want to ask all of your questions at the end of the lesson, you can say: "I will ask all of my questions at the end of the lesson." "Can I please ask all of my questions at the end of the lesson?"
レッスンの最後にまとめて質問をしたいと先生に伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 "I will ask all of my questions at the end of the lesson."(レッスンの最後にまとめて質問します) "Can I please ask all of my questions at the end of the lesson?"(レッスンの最後にまとめて質問してもいいですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to ask all my questions at the end of the lesson

  • I want to ask questions only at the end of class

When you want to ask your teacher to let you ask questions only at the end of the lesson; then you may ask in the following ways: -I would like to ask all my questions at the end of the lesson -I want to ask questions only at the end of class
レッスンの最後にまとめて質問したいと先生に伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 -I would like to ask all my questions at the end of the lesson(レッスンの最後にまとめて質問したいです) -I want to ask questions only at the end of class(レッスンの最後にまとめて質問したいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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