世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/12 09:58
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  • I wanna take your lesson again.

  • I'd like to take your lesson again.

  • I will book your class again.

あなたのレッスンまた受けたいです。 would like to はwant toと同じです。would like toの方が丁寧な言い方です。 I will book your lesson again.:またあなたのクラス予約しますね。 オンライン英会話ならこういってくれると嬉しいと思いますよ! 他の例文 「I look forward to your next lesson」 (次回のあなたのレッスンを楽しみにしています) 「I can't wait for your next lesson」 (次のあなたのレッスンが待ちきれません)
  • Hopefully, I'll be able to book another lesson with you very soon!

  • "I enjoyed that lesson and hope to continue with you in the future!

  • I think your teaching style is perfect for me!

It's great that you found a teacher who is suited to your learning style. It is not always an automatic process that anyone immediately gels with every teacher they may meet. To gel with someone =A postive word used when people get on well with eachother and therefore connect. "Me and Paul get on well. We gel." So in that case, you may say: "I think your teaching style is perfect for me!" On the other hand, slightly more formally, you may prefer: "I enjoyed that lesson and hope to continue with you in the future!"
あなたの学習スタイルに合った先生を見つけられたのは素晴らしいことです。出会う先生全員とすぐに打ち解けるのは簡単ではありません。 To gel with someone =お互いと仲良くなってつながるときに使われるポジティブな言葉 【例文】 "Me and Paul get on well. We gel." (僕とポールは仲良く打ち解ける) 質問者様の例では、以下のように表現できるでしょう: "I think your teaching style is perfect for me!" (あなたの教えるスタイルは私にとって完璧だと思います!) 一方で、もう少しフォーマルな場面では、以下のように言うとよいでしょう: "I enjoyed that lesson and hope to continue with you in the future!" (レッスンが楽しかったので、これからもあなたのレッスンを取り続けたいです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't wait to take your lesson again!

keikoさんへ だいぶ以前のご質問への解答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 同じ教師の身として、 I can't wait to take your lesson again! あなたのレッスンをもう一度受けるのが、待ちきれない! と言われると、だいぶ嬉しいです。 I can't wait to see you again! I can't wait to come here again! など、場面に応じて応用をきかせることもできます。 ・・・keikoさんの英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • I would really be happy if I attend any of your upcoming lessons.

  • I will definitely book you again.

I would really be happy if I attend any of your upcoming lessons.- To attend something means to be present for something. Therefore this means that you would really be happy if this specific teacher teaches you again. I will definitely book you again.- This means that if this teacher has an open availability you will definitely book their classes because you enjoyed the lesson.
【例文】 ・I would really be happy if I attend any of your upcoming lessons. To attend somethingとは、何かに参加するという意味です。 したがって、これは、この特定の先生がまた教えてくれたらとても嬉しいということを意味します。 【例文】 ・I will definitely book you again. これは、レッスンが楽しかったので、この先生の予約が取れるようであればクラスを必ず予約するという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Same time, same place next week, (name)?

  • I'd like to meet again for another lesson with you, (name).

  • I had a lot of fun and I'd like to book another lesson with you, (name).

Example one is a fun way to say you'd like to book the teacher again for the same time the following week. It is playful because of course it will be in the same place. Example two and three are telling the teacher you would like to book a lesson again with them. It is always nice to add their name, it shows comfort and familiarity with the teacher letting them know you see them positively.
最初の例は面白い言い方です。次の週の同じ時間にまたその先生のレッスンを予約したいと伝えています。「same place(同じ場所で)」が冗談です、当然ですよね。 二つ目、三つ目の例では、また先生のレッスンを予約したいと伝えています。名前を言うといいですね。居心地の良さ、親しみを表し、先生への好意が伝わります。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to take your lesson again.

  • I would love to learn from you again.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 I would love to take your lesson again. ぜひまたあなたのレッスンを受けたいです。 I would love to learn from you again. ぜひまたあなたから学びたいです。 ここでの love to は「愛」ではなく、「ぜひ〜したい」のニュアンスになります。 お役に立てれば嬉しく思います。
  • I plan to take your lesson again!

  • I will surely book another lesson with you!

  • I will reserve another lesson with you!

When ending your lesson, you can advise your teacher that you intend to take their lesson again. You can tell them that you enjoyed the lesson and that you plan on booking it again very soon. Another way of saying that you will book the lesson again is saying that you will reserve another class.
レッスンの終わりに、あなたがまた先生のレッスンを受けるつもりだという事を先生に伝えることが出来ます。 レッスンを楽しんだので、またすぐにその先生のレッスンを予約するつもりだという事を伝えることが出来ます。 もう一つの表現は"I will book the lesson again"(レッスンをまた予約します)とは、 あなたがまたもう一回レッスンを予約します、という事を言い表して言います。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to take your class again

  • I will be booking you again

  • I will book another lesson with you

After a lesson, it is polite to thank your teacher. Sometimes you may wish to let them know you would like them to teach you again. "I will be booking another lesson with you." "I will be attending your next lesson." "I would like to book your next lesson." "I found your lesson very interesting. I will definitely book another lesson with you."
レッスン後に先生に感謝を述べるととても丁寧ですね。 時々、先生にまたその先生のレッスンを取りたいと思っていることを伝えたいかもしれません。 【例】 "I will be booking another lesson with you." (先生のレッスンをまた予約します) "I will be attending your next lesson." (次のレッスンもまた予約します) "I would like to book your next lesson." (あなたのレッスンを次も予約します) "I found your lesson very interesting. I will definitely book another lesson with you." (先生のレッスンはとても面白かったです、絶対にあなたのレッスンをまた予約します)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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