世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/04 08:37
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  • Would you like to play a game of doubles?

  • Are you interested in playing together?

例文1「ダブルスでプレーしませんか?」というニュアンスです。 Would you like to〜?は「〜したいですか?・〜しませんか?」と丁寧に聞く言い方です。 「ダブルスを行う(プレーする)」は1試合だけなら、play a game of doubles と言います。2試合なら、a couple games of doubles になります。 例文2「一緒にプレーしませんか?」というニュアンスです。 Are you interested in〜?で「〜に興味はありますか?」=「〜はどうですか?」という意味になります。 4人が一緒にプレーするとなると必然的にダブルスになると思うので、例文ではダブルスと言っていませんが、Are you interested in playing a game of doubles? と言う事もできます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Would you like to play a game of doubles?

It is straight forward and allows the people who you are speaking with to know you are inviting them to join you and your friend onto the court. Most people will understand doubles , but if not you can say "Do you want to play a game? Us versus you two?"
これは単刀直入に、一緒にそのコートでダブルスをしないかと誘う表現です。 多くの人は"doubles"(ダブルス)でわかるでしょう。 でも、わかってもらえない場合、次のように言う事ができます。 "Do you want to play a game? Us versus you two?" (一緒にゲームしませんか?私たちとあなたたち二人とで?)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Would it be okay if we challenged you to play doubles?

  • Would you like to play doubles?

When you want to challenge people to a match of doubles, then you can say it in the following manner: -Would it be okay if we challenged you to play doubles? -Would you like to play doubles? -Are you (guys) keen to play in teams (of two)?
ダブルスの試合に誘うときの言い方です: -Would it be okay if we challenged you to play doubles? ダブルスしてもらえませんか? -Would you like to play doubles? ダブルスしませんか? -Are you (guys) keen to play in teams (of two)? ダブルスしましょうか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to join us for doubles?

When you ask someone to 'join you' you are inviting them to come along with you to do whatever it is you are going to do. For example: "Would you like to join us for dinner?" "Would you like to join the party?"
「join someone」は「参加しませんか」と相手を誘うときに使えます。 例: "Would you like to join us for dinner?" 〔訳〕夕食一緒にどうですか? "Would you like to join the party?" 〔訳〕パーティーに参加しませんか?
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to play doubles with us?

Would you like + full infinitive is a common format for asking someone if they wish to do something. "Would you like to meet up at 6pm for a glass of wine?"
"Would you like + 原形不定詞(動詞の原形)" は相手が何かをしたいか尋ねるための一般的な表現の仕方です。 "Would you like to meet up at 6pm for a glass of wine?" 「6時に会ってワインでも飲む?」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to play on teams?

  • How about a game of doubles?

When you ask someone if they want to play on teams, you are suggesting that it is different from the normal situation of playing solo. This can be used for any sport where it is able to be played solo.
"Do you want to play on teams?"(チームでやりませんか)は、それが通常のソロでの試合でないことを表します。これはソロでできるあらゆるスポーツに使えます。
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to join us?

Using "would" is a polite way to ask about someone's desires. You can simply ask them to join you and your friend and they will understand that it will be a game of doubles. I hope that this helps. :)
"would" は相手の希望を尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 シンプルに「私たちに加わりますか」と言えば、それがダブルスのことだと伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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