世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/12 23:01
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  • All politicians are the same regardless of their party.

  • Politicians are all alike.

"All politicians are the same regardless of their party." this example uses 'regardless' which means despite. So no matter what party they are with, all of them are the same. "Politicians are all alike." = they are all the same.
"All politicians are the same regardless of their party." (政治家はみんな、政党に関係なく同じだ) 「regardless」は「despite(~にもかかわらず)」という意味です。「どの政党にいようがみんな同じ」となります。 "Politicians are all alike." 政治家はみな同じだ。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • All politicians are the same.

  • All politicians are alike.

  • They can all be painted with the same brush.

"All politicians are the same." This explains that they all seem to act and behave the same and have the same morals. Eg: What do you think about politicians- "I think all politicians are the same." "All politicians are alike." This is another way of explaining that the politicians are all very similar. Eg: Do you think politicians are different?- "No, I think politicians are all alike." Another phrase that can be used to explain that many things are the same is "They can all be painted with the same brush." This means that all of the people are the same or can be put into the same group.
"All politicians are the same." (政治家はみんな同じ) ↑政治家は同じように行動し、同じような倫理観を持っているように見える、と伝えています。 【例文】 What do you think about politicians - "I think all politicians are the same." 〔訳〕政治家についてどう思う?- 政治家なんてみんな同じだと思うよ "All politicians are alike." (政治家はみんな似たり寄ったりだ) ↑一つ目の例同様、こちらも、政治家はみなとてもよく似ていると表しています。 【例文】 Do you think politicians are different? - "No, I think politicians are all alike." 〔訳〕政治家はみんな違うと思う?- 政治家はみんな似たり寄ったりだと思うよ たくさんのものが「同じ」と表すもう一つの言い方は: "They can all be painted with the same brush." (みんな同じだよ) ↑その人たちはみんな同じで、同じグループに分類できる、という意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Politicians are all the same.

政治家なんてみんな同じだは英語で”Politicians are all the same. ”で大丈夫です。 政治家をpoliticians と言います。 否定するときは「政治家はみんな同じだというわけではない」は”Politicians aren't all the same"あるいは”Not all politicians are the same."で大丈夫です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Politicians are all peas from the same pod

  • Politicians may be differentiated only by their physical variances

Peas from the same pod means that a group or gathering of something or someone are all virtually identical in one or more ways. It may just be a character trait, for example. "Like peas from the same pod, brothers Geoff and Jim both became successful businessmen."
"Peas from the same pod"「同じさやから出てきた豆」とは、何かや誰かのグループや集まりが、ひとつまたは2つ以上の点においてほとんどそっくりであることを意味しています。またそれは、例えば性格上の特徴だけかもしれません。 "Like peas from the same pod, brothers Geoff and Jim both became successful businessmen." 「同じさやから出てきた豆のように、ジェフとジムはともにビジネスマンとして成功した」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • All politicians are the same

  • Politicians are all alike

  • Politicians are not all that different from each other

When you want to explain that all politicians are the same; then you may say this in the following ways: -All politicians are the same -Politicians are all alike -Politicians are not all that different from each other
「政治家はみんな同じ」は、次のように言えます。 -All politicians are the same(政治家はみんな同じ) -Politicians are all alike(政治家はみんな同じ) -Politicians are not all that different from each other(政治家同士そんなに違いはない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • All politicians are the same

  • Politicians are all the same

  • All politicians are alike

When something is 'alike' it also has the same meaning as 'the same' Politicians all act the same way no matter what party they run for , all these sentences would express this
alike' は 'the same'(同じ)と同じ意味です。 「政党に関係なく、政治家は皆同じ」、上記の文は全てこれを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • All politicians are the same

  • There is no difference between any politician

Native speakers will say like this: “All politicians are the same”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Hey John, are you going to vote on Sunday? B: Hey Mike, hmm, no. A: Why not? B: All politicians are the same, there is no point in voting.
ネイティブスピーカーは、次のように言います。 “All politicians are the same” (政治家はみんな同じ) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Hey John, are you going to vote on Sunday? B: Hey Mike, hmm, no. A: Why not? B: All politicians are the same, there is no point in voting. ↓ A: やあ、ジョン。日曜日に投票に行く? B: やあ、マイク。いや、行かない。 A: どうして? B: 政治家なんてみんな同じだから、投票したって意味はないよ。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Politicians are all alike

  • All politicians are the same

  • Politicians are alike

Politicians are all alike example sentence: It doesn't matter what country you are from, in my opinion politicians are all alike. All politicians example sentence: I think that all politicians are the same no matter what they may tell you or make you feel.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • All politicians are the same.

  • All politicians are equally the worst.

おっしゃられている内容は、普通に訳せば、 All politicians are the same. となりますが、 多分同じように皆悪いというようなネガティブなことを言いたいのだと思うので、もしそうなら、 All politicians are equally the worst. 「全ての政治家は同様に最低だ」 のように表現できます。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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