I went to my grandfather's house to help him plant rice.
I went to my grandfather's house to help with the rice planting.
「田植えを手伝いに祖父のところへ行った」= I went to my grandfather's house to help him plant rice. / I went to my grandfather's house to help with the rice planting.
自分の家族のメンバー・親戚について話す際に「my grandfather」や「my cousin」などの言い方を使います。「my」を忘れないでね!^^
「~の手伝いをする」は英語で「help 人 動詞」という言い方になります。例えば、「help him plant rice」、「help my mother cook dinner」など。
その代わりに「help with the ~ing」という言い方も使えます。