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2018/05/22 13:14
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  • My friends dated for five years before finally tying the knot.

  • My friends were an item for five years before finally getting wed.

  • They got married after dating for five years.

To express that a couple got married after seeing one another for five years you may make use of expressions like; Tying the Knot-A nice expression used in English to express getting married. My friends were an item for five years before finally getting wed. wed-to marry You may also simply say ; They got married after five years. He made an honest woman of her after five years. To make an honest woman of-An expression used to convey that a couple is finally getting or got married.
5年間の交際期間を経て結婚したと言いたいときは、次のような表現が使えます。 Tying the Knotは、結婚すると英語で言いたいときに良い表現でしょう。 「My friends were an item for five years before finally getting wed.」の文中にあるwedは、結婚を意味してます。 又は、簡単に「They got married after five years.」や、 「He made an honest woman of her after five years.」とも言えます。 an honest woman ofは、恋人同士がついに結婚する、又は結婚したことを伝えるときに使われる表現です。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • My friends got married after dating for 5 years.

「友達は、5年間付き合った後に結婚しました」 「恋人として付き合う、交際する」はdate 「結婚する」はget married がそれぞれ一番無難な言い方だと思います(^_^)
  • They tied the knot after a 5 year courtship.

  • They got spliced after dating for 5 years.

To tie the knot = to get married To get spliced (slang) = to get married. A splice is a method of weaving two ropes together. The verb, 'to splice' may be used figuratively in a situation when two things join together or become one. Courtship = the process of dating (traditionally with a view to eventually getting married.
tie the knot = 結婚する スラングのget spliced = 結婚する spliceは、二本のロープを互いに継ぎ合わせることです。動詞の「to splice」は、ある状況では比喩的に使われる可能性があります。それは、二つの物が互いに一緒になり一つになるときです。 Courtship = (慣例上、やがては結婚するための)交際過程
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • They got married after five years of going out with each other

In British English, to 'go out with someone' means to be in a romantic relationship. It does not literally mean that you went outside to visit places together.
イギリス英語では「go out with ~」は、「~と恋愛関係にある」という意味になります。 誰かと一緒にどこかに出かけたという文字通りの意味にはなりません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • After dating for five years my friends got married.

  • They've been dating for five years and they finally got married.

Both of these examples will work. There are slang words for getting married, but the most common thing to say is 'got married'. You can say, 'they went out', 'were dating', or 'were together' to say their relationship.
どちらの文も使えます。「結婚する」はスラングもありますが、最も一般的なのは「get married」です。「交際する」は「go out」や「date」、「be together」と言えます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • They got married five years after going out

  • They got married after five years of seeing each other/dating

  • My friends ties the knot after being in a relationship for five years

When you are seeing someone in a romantic way this is called a 'relationship' it can also be called 'going out' or seeing each other' An informal way of saying to get married is to 'tie the knot' as tieing knots in items/clothing is seen as a symbol of unity (being together)
恋人と交際することは、'relationship' といいます。 他に、'going out' や 'seeing each other' と言うこともできます。 'to tie the knot' は 'to get married'(結婚する)のインフォーマルな言い方です。結び目を作ることは一つになることの象徴とされます。 To tie a knot = 結び目を作る
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • They got married after five years of going out.

  • They got married after 5 years of being together.

You can either say 'going out' or 'being together' and in America they often say 'dating'. "They got married after five years of dating".
交際することは 'going out' か 'being together' と言えます。アメリカではよく 'dating' が使われます。 "They got married after five years of dating". (彼らは5年間の交際を経て結婚しました)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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