世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/01 20:39
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  • They just became independent.

  • They are newly independent.

You can say the name of the country, but in a conversation about a country you can just use the pronoun they."They just became independent." and "They are newly independent." Is saying the same thing. They were under rule by another country or government and recently they have gained independence.
会話では代名詞の「they」が使えます。 "They just became independent." 〔訳〕最近独立しました "They are newly independent." 〔訳〕まだ独立したばかりです ↑どちらも意味は同じです。他の国(政府)の支配下にあったが最近独立した、と言っています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • It's a new country that recently just became independent.

new = 新しい country = 国 recently = 最近 just = ばかり became independent = 独立する ちなみに「〜から独立する。」は、won independence from ~.という表現を使います。 例文: The US won independence from the British. (アメリカは、イギリスから独立した。) 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。 ありがとうございます。
Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • The country recently won it's independence.

  • The country is now independent.

Independence is something highly valued by countries, it is often associated with freedom and democratic values and seen almost as a prize. If it has been a long road to independence for the country, then it can be said that they have "won" it and achieved their prize of freedom. Alternatively, a simple statement explaining the country is now independent will also suffice.
「independence(独立)」は国にとってとても大切なものです、たいてい自由や民主主義と関係していて、賞品(prize)のように見られています。 独立を長い道のりを経て勝ち取ったのであれば、独立を「won(勝ち取った)」と言えます。 ほかに、シンプルな言い方として: The country is now independent.(その国は今独立している) でもオッケーです。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • This country has only recently become independent

  • This country has only recently been granted independence

Sometimes a country gains independence through revolution and rebellion against another ruling country - for example in the case of a colony. Another country may gain independence through political negotiation, a national referendum or simply the great swell of public opinion.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • They recently gained their independence

  • This country is now self governing

Independence is something that is highly valued by billions of people around the world. When a country becomes independent from a colonial power it is always celebrated by the newly independent peoples. This new found independence also means that the people and their government can now decide for themselves the direction of their country. "This country is now self governing "
独立(independence)は、世界中数十億の人によって高く評価されています。 植民地支配からの独立は、必ずその国で歓迎されます。 新しく独立するということは、国民・政府が自らの意思によって国の行方を決められることを意味します: "This country is now self governing " (この国は今は独立しています)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • It is a newly independent country.

  • The country just gained its sovereignty recently.

The first sentence talks about the fact that previously the country wasn't independent, meaning that it may have belonging to an empire or association. It has gained its freedom to be a country recently. The second sentence talks about sovereignty which is a country that is free to exist without the interference of other countries. The country may have previously existed but not have been free of the interference of other countries. If that is the case, you would want to use the second sentence.
最初の例は、その国がもともと独立国でなかった(帝国などに支配された)ことを表します。最近独立しました。 二つ目の例では「sovereignty(他国からの干渉を受けずに独自の意思決定を行う権利=主権)」について話しています。昔からあった国かもしれませんが、主権はなかった。そういうことなら、二つ目の例がいいでしょう。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The country just recently become independent.

  • They are newly independent.

The country just recently become independent. They are newly independent. This means that they were not an independent country. It has happened recently.
The country just recently become independent. (その国は、最近独立したばかりです。)  They are newly independent. (彼らは新たに独立した。) これは、今まで独立国ではなかったが、最近独立したことを意味します。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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