世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/05 23:02
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  • Just turned twenty

歳が変わることは英語で turn(ed) といいます。なので just turned ~ は 「~歳になったばかり」という意味です。 (例文) I just turned twenty yesterday! 昨日20歳になったばかりです!
  • I just turned 20 yesterday!

「昨日20歳になったばかりなの!」という意味です。 ちなみに、「もうすぐ20歳になるの!」は、 I'm just about to turn 20! と言います。(*^^*)
DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • I just turned twenty.

  • I just joined the adulthood yesterday.

バナナスマートさんの仰るとおりI just turned twentyが一番シンプルでダイレクトです。 少し言い方を変えますと adulthoodは成人と言う意味なので日本内限定で使えば成人=20歳と連想できます。 I just joined the adulthood yesterday! 昨日大人(成人)の仲間入りしたの!
  • I just turned 20 yesterday.

  • No longer in my teens as of yesterday.

You can use any of these statements :- 1. I just turned 20 yesterday. 2. No longer in my teens as of yesterday.
以下のどちらの表現も使えます。 :- 1. I just turned 20 yesterday. 2. No longer in my teens as of yesterday.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be 21 this time next year!

  • Last year at this time, I was 19!

  • Did anyone notice all my 20th birthday cards?

"Hey guys, take a seat. Nice to see you all again! Did you call round for any special reason?" "No, we were just passing. Thought we'd pop in and say hi." "That's nice of you. You didn't bring anything with you - like a small packet or something?" "No." "Oh.... last year at this time, I was 19!" "Yeh, I remember. Nice to be so young, isn't it?" "Err yes......I'll be 21 this time next year!" "Well, we are all getting older. Can't do anything about that!" "Did anyone notice all my 20th birthday cards?" "Yes, of course we did! We were only kidding!"
"Hey guys, take a seat. Nice to see you all again! Did you call round for any special reason?" "No, we were just passing. Thought we'd pop in and say hi." "That's nice of you. You didn't bring anything with you - like a small packet or something?" "No." "Oh.... last year at this time, I was 19!" "Yeh, I remember. Nice to be so young, isn't it?" "Err yes......I'll be 21 this time next year!" "Well, we are all getting older. Can't do anything about that!" "Did anyone notice all my 20th birthday cards?" "Yes, of course we did! We were only kidding!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Yesterday, I turned 20

  • Yesterday was my 20th birthday

  • I became 20 years old yesterday

When you're trying to explain to someone that you turned 20 the previous day; you can say: -Yesterday, I turned 20 -Yesterday was my 20th birthday -I became 20 years old yesterday
誰かに、自分が昨日20歳になったことを言いたいときのフレーズです。  -Yesterday, I turned 20 昨日20歳になりました。 -Yesterday was my 20th birthday 昨日は20歳の誕生日でした。 -I became 20 years old yesterday 昨日、20歳になりました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I just had my 20th Birthday

  • I have turned 20 today

  • I have just turned 20

examples "I just turned 20 today, I feel older". or "I had my 20th birthday this year". or "I just had my 20th Birthday". or "I am now 20 years old, I feel older and wiser".
例: "I just turned 20 today, I feel older". 今日20歳になりました。年を取った気分です。 "I had my 20th birthday this year". 今年20歳になりました。 "I just had my 20th Birthday". 20歳になったばかりです。 "I am now 20 years old, I feel older and wiser". 20歳になり、年を取って賢くなった気分です。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I just turned 20

To say that you 'just' turned 20 means that it happened very recently. If you said 'I turned 20' it does not signify when this happened, by adding in the word just you imply that it happened in the last few days or weeks.
just turned 20と言うのは、ごく最近20歳になったということです。 I turned 20と言えば、いつなったかは示してません。justを入れることで、ここ数日、またはここ数週間に起こったことを意味しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I just turned twenty.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I just turned twenty. 」 =20歳になったばかりです。 (例文)I just turned twenty. // Oh! Happy birthday! (訳)20歳になったばかりです。//お誕生日おめでとう! 単語: twenty 20 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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