Could you check my pronunciation and tell me if I am making any mistakes?
If I make any mistakes with pronunciation, please let me know.
Would you mind checking my pronunciation and telling me when I make a mistake?
「発音を要チェックし、間違っていたら教えてください。」= Could you check my pronunciation and tell me if I am making any mistakes? / If I make any mistakes with pronunciation, please let me know. / Would you mind checking my pronunciation and telling me when I make a mistake?
Could you = ~してくれる?
check = チェックする・確認する
pronunciation = 発音
tell me = 教えて
make a mistake = 間違える
let me know = 教えて、知らせて
would you mind ~ing = ~をしてくれる?(何かを頼む際に使う表現)