世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




現地に住んでいる友達へ 旅行の日程が決まったので 10日間滞在予定の間 いつ会えるか 聞きたい時 に どう言ったらいいですか?
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iwamoto kazさん
2018/06/04 22:14
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  • I’m going to England on the 20th so what day after the 21st can we meet?

  • I’m going to England on the 20th so we can meet on any day after the 21st. When is good for you?

❶ I’m going to England on the 20th so what day after the 21st can we meet? (20日にイギリスに行きます、なので21日以降いつ会えるの?)。 ❷ I’m going to England on the 20th so we can meet on any day after the 21st. When is good for you? (20日にイギリスに行きます、なので21日以降ならいつでも会えるけど、いつがいいかな?)。 〜こちらの言い方の方が丁寧です。 例えば: I’m going to England on the 20th for 10 days, we can meet on any day after the 21st. When is good for you? (20日にイギリスに十日間行きます、なので21日以降はいつでも会えます。いつがいいかな?)。
  • I will be in the UK from the 20th of this month. Can we meet up on the 21st or later?

  • I will be in the United Kingdom from the 20th. Are you available on the 21st or later?

"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"is made up of four different nations: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. "Great Britain" refers to three of these countries: England, Scotland, and Wales. "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"is more commonly known as "the United Kingdom", or "the UK". When we want to spend time with another person, we might arrange to "meet up", "catch up", "hang out", or "get together". We may even use the French word "rendezvous". For example "Let's have a rendezvous on Monday.". Only use "rendezvous" in informal conversations.
"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (グレートブリテンと北アイルランド=イギリス) これは4つの異なる国々から成っています。 England(イングランド), Northern Ireland(北アイルランド), Scotland(スコットランド),そして Wales(ウェールズ)です。 "Great Britain"とは、これらの3つの国の事を言います。 England(イングランド), Scotland(スコットランド),そしてWales(ウェールズ)です。 "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (グレートブリテンと北アイルランド=イギリス) これは一般的には"the United Kingdom"や"the UK"と言われます。 誰かと一緒に時間を過ごしたい場合は "meet up"(会う), "catch up"(近況を確かめ合う), "hang out"(つるむ),又は "get together"(集まる)事などを取り決めしたりします。 フランス語の "rendezvous"(会う約束)を使ったりもします。 【例】 "Let's have a rendezvous on Monday." (月曜日に待ち合わせをしましょう) この "rendezvous"(会う約束/待ち合わせ)はインフォーマルな会話だけで使います。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Hello, I'm going to the UK on the 20th. Would you be available to meet up after the 21st?

First, you'll want to say hello and then state that you will be going to the UK on the 20th. From there, you can ask if they would be available to meet up after the 21st. If they are then there is no problem and if not, they can tell you whether or not they will be able to find time in their schedule to meet up with you. I hope this helps :)
まず「hello」と言った方がいいでしょう。それから、20日にイギリスに行くと伝えます。その後、21日以降会えるか尋ねます。 「会える」なら問題ありませんね。「会えない」場合は、会う時間を作れるかどうか教えてくれると思います。 お役に立てば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm landing in the UK on the 20th. Would you like to meet any time you're free on/after the 21st?

  • I'm going to the UK on the 20th. Are you free to meet on/after the 21st?

When you want to meet your friend from the UK and want to inform them that you will be there from the 20th, then you can say: -I'm landing in the UK on the 20th. Would you like to meet any time you're free on or after the 21st? -I'm going to the UK on the 20th. Are you free to meet on or after the 21st? -I'm in the UK from the 20th. Let me know if you'd like to meet any time on or after the 21st. I'd like to see you.
イギリスの友人に会いたくて、「20日にそちらに到着する」と伝えたいときは、以下のように言えます: I'm landing in the UK on the 20th. Would you like to meet any time you're free on or after the 21st? (20日にイギリスに着きます。21日以降、時間のあるときに会えますか?) I'm going to the UK on the 20th. Are you free to meet on or after the 21st? (20日にイギリスに着きます。21日以降に会えますか?) I'm in the UK from the 20th. Let me know if you'd like to meet any time on or after the 21st. I'd like to see you. (20日にイギリスに着きます。21日以降に会えますか?私は会いたいです。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to be in the UK shortly, so perhaps we can meet after the 21st?

The purpose of the conversation is to arrange to meet someone. In that case, your date of arrival is irrelevant. It is unnecessary information. You only need to speak about your availability for a meeting.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What day are you available after the 21st? I arrive on the 20th.

  • I'd like to figure out when we can meet up. I arrive on the 20th, when are you free after the 21st?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener when they are available after the 21st. In the second sentence you will see the term figure out. This means to determine an answer to a situation or problem. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、21日以降でいつ会うことができるか確認する素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"figure out" という表現が使われています。これは「解決する」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be in the UK from 20th to○○. That would be lovely if we could meet up! Could you let me know which date works best for you?

★ポイント:情報の内容を少し変えてみました。 「21日以降」だけだと、何日まで滞在するのかが分からないので、それを最初に入れてみました。このような書き方をすれば、相手はいくつかオプションを出してきてくれると思います☺ ①自分の滞在期間を伝える→ I'll be in the UK from 20th to○○. ②会いたいよね~と伝える→ That would be lovely if we could meet up ! ③相手の都合を聞く→ Could you let me know which date works best for you? 英語職人☺
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