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2018/06/04 23:40
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  • Two wins, a loss, and a draw.

  • Two wins, a loss, and a tie.

  • Two victories, a defeat, and a draw.

The winning team (the group with the better score) has a "win". You may even call it a "victory" or a "triumph" over the opposing party. The team with the lower score are said to have "lost" a game. If it was a terrible score you could call it a "defeat". When two teams or people get the same score in a game, it is said to be a 'tie" or a "draw". If both teams got two points you can describe the final score as "two all". You can say this with any number.
勝利チーム(スコアをより多く入れたグループ)は、「win」を手に得ます。対戦相手に対して、「victory」「triumph」とも言います。低いスコアだったチームは、試合に「lost」したと言います。もし、スコアがひどければ、「defeat」したとも言います。 2チーム、または2人が同じスコアを得たとき、「tie」や「draw」と言います。もし、両方のチームが2点ずつ入れたなら、「two all」と言います。どのスコアでも使えます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • 2 wins, 1 loss, and a draw.

When talking about how many wins and losses a team has had in a league, the best way to say this would be: "2 wins, 1 loss, and a draw". A draw is the same as a tie or tiebreak.
リーグ戦でチームが何勝して何敗したか話す場合、以下のように言うのがベストです。 2 wins, 1 loss, and a draw. (2勝1敗1分け) 「draw(引き分け)」は「tie」「tiebreak」と同じ意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The team has two wins, one loss, and one tie out of four games.

"Out of" is when you talk about the total number of games that they have played. With two wins plus one loss plus one tie, four games in total have been played. I hope that this helps :)
「Out of」は、あなたがプレイした全試合数のことをいいます。2勝1敗1分けで全部で4試合プレイしました。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Our league record this year is two wins, one loss and one tie.

「今年のリーグ記録は、2勝1敗1引き分けです。」 Two wins, one loss and one tie という言い方が一番わかりやすいかと思いますが、普通勝った数、負けた数、引き分けの数の順番で言うので、簡単に Two, one, one (2-1-1)と言う人もいます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Two wins, one loss and a tie

  • Two wins, one loss and a draw

  • Two victories, one defeat and a draw

When you win at a game it is also called a 'victory' a loss is also called a 'defeat' we also call a 'tie' a draw So by saying your team won twice, lost once and drew once you would say 'Two wins, one loss and a draw'
試合に勝つことは 'win' の他に、'victory' とも言います。 負けることは 'loss' の他に、'defeat' とも言います。 引き分けることは 'tie' の他に、'draw' とも言います。 ですから、「二勝一敗一分け」は 'Two wins, one loss and a draw' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss

If you wish to speak about the recent record of a team in terms of their results then you may state how many wins, draws and losses they have had in the current season. Eg 'The team has won 3, drawn 1 and lost 5 games this season.'
チームの最近の成績について言いたいなら、今シーズン何勝何分け何敗していると伝えることができます。 【例】 'The team has won 3, drawn 1 and lost 5 games this season.' (そのチームは今シーズン3勝5敗1分けです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Two wins, a loss, and a tie

It is very common to describe sports games or contests in terms of "losses", "wins", and "draws" (ties). For example, Team X has two wins, one loss, and one tie this season. "Draw" and "tie" are synonyms (they have similar meanings). Interestingly, each of the aforementioned expressions can also be used as verbs. Here are some examples in the past tense: Team X won the game 5-3 (read: five to three). I can't believe that my team lost by one point! They tied (Or drew) the game 3-3.
スポーツの試合や大会は "losses" "wins" そして "draws" (ties) という言葉で表されることが多いです。 例えば: Team X has two wins, one loss, and one tie this season. 「チームXは今シーズン2勝1敗1分けです」 "Draw" と "Tie" は同義語です。 興味深いことに上記でお示しした単語は全て動詞としても使われます。 以下、過去時制での例です。 Team X won the game 5-3. 「チームXが5-3で勝ちました」 ※ 5-3 は "five to three" と読みます I can't believe that my team lost by one point! 「私のチームが一点差で負けただなんて信じられない」 They tied (Or drew) the game 3-3. 「彼らは3対3に追いついた (で引き分けた)」
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
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