By taking 5 days off in between weekends, you can maximize your vacation time to 9 days (10 if there is a national holiday)
「By taking 5 days off in between weekends, you can maximize your vacation time to 9 days (10 if there is a national holiday)」
Maximize という単語を使いましたが、「最大化」と言う意味です。
If I take vacations from Monday through Friday, I can take 9 days off maximum adding to the weekends.
If I take vacations from Monday through Friday, I can take 9 days off maximum adding to the weekends.
イギリス英語だと Monday to Friday の方で through は使わないときいたことがあります(あくまで聞いた話)。アメリカだとthroughが多いけど、toでもOKです。
vacation =休暇
day off =お休み
()内を言うなら、その後に追加する形になります。(10days maximum if there is a national holiday)