I think it's amazing that high school students work as babysitters!
I'm really surprised that American high school students earn money from babysitting!
「高校生でベビーシッターのアルバイトするってすごいね!」= I think it's amazing that high school students work as babysitters! / I'm really surprised that American high school students earn money from babysitting!
think = 思う
amazing = 凄い
high school student = 高校生
work as ~ = ~として働く
babysitter = ベビーシッター
really surprised = とても驚いている
earn money = お金を稼ぐ
You're still a high school student and you work as a babysitter? That's great!
・「You're still a high school student and you work as a babysitter? That's great!」
(例文)You're still a high school student and you work as a babysitter? That's great!// I've been doing it for two years.
(訳)まだ高校生なのにベビーシッターのアルバイトしてるの?すごいね!// 2年間してます。