世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/22 20:02
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  • I had a crush on you for a long time.

  • I have been thinking about you for ages.

  • I have liked you for a long time. 

日本の高校生と欧米の高校生の告白スタイルにはかなりの差異があると思いますが、とりあえず少し純情な高校生の告白シーンを想像して3つのフレーズを考えました。 1. "I had a crush on you for a long time." これは、「長い間、君のことが好きだった」という意味です。「Crush」は英語のスラングで「誰かに強く引かれるまたは惹かれる」を意味します。若者の間で特によく使われる表現です。 2. "I have been thinking about you for ages." 一般的には、「長い間、君のことを考え続けていた」という意味になりますが、告白の文脈では、「長い間、君のことが好きだった」を伝えるために使われることがあります。 3. "I have liked you for a long time." 直訳すると、「長い間、君のことが好きだった」です。また、このフレーズは、「love」よりも感情的な重さを和らげるために、「like」を使用しています。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • I've always had feelings for you

  • I've always liked you

  • I have liked you since I first saw you three years ago.

「ずっと前」という言い方は、後藤さんが既にいくつか教えてくれていますので、ちょっと違った表現をば。 I have liked you since I first saw you three years ago. 3年前、初めて見た時からずっと好きでした。 こんな風に「いつ」なのかを具体的に表現してしまうのもいいと思いますよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • I've had feelings for you for a while.

  • I've had a thing for you since a while ago.

Feelings は日本語で訳すと「気持ち」ですが、"have feelings" は '友達より好きな気持ち' との事です。告白する時はこの言葉を使うとベストです! For a while は 'ずっと' / '前から' なので "I've had feelings for you for a while" は「ずっと前から好きでした」。 'A thing for you' を訳すと、「好きで、気になっていた」とのニュアンスです。 "I've had a thing for you since a while ago" は「前から気になっていて好きだった」です!
  • I have always had a crush on you for a long time now.

This means that you have had a crush on them for a long time. If you want you can also mention for how long to make them feel a little extra special.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I could not stop thinking about you since the day that I have met you.

  • I liked you from the day that I have laid my eyes on you.

>I could not stop thinking about you since the day that I have met you. --> "could not stop thinking about you" = that he/she is always on your mind and that you have a big crush on the person. "since the day I have met you" = letting the person how long you have had the crush. >I liked you from the day that I have laid my eyes on you.--> Laid eyes on you = 1st saw you. This is telling the person that from the 1st time you saw him/her you had a crush.
>I could not stop thinking about you since the day that I have met you. --> "could not stop thinking about you" = その人が常にあなたの心にいて、その人のことがとても好きだということです。 "since the day I have met you" =その人にいつから好きだったのかを伝えています。 >I liked you from the day that I have laid my eyes on you.--> Laid eyes on you = 初めてあったときのこと。これは初めてその人を見たときから好きだったということを伝えている。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I've had a crush on you since way back when

  • I've had a soft spot for you since I was a child

It could be that having a crush on, or a soft spot for someone is all part of the growiung up process and such infatuation could affect almost anyone at almost any age. It is particularly heartening to hear of two people who were close together as children (or even just in the same class or group when they were younger) finally getting together. EX "Im so glad we are together now. You know I even had a soft spot for you in infant school?"
誰かに好意を寄せたり愛着を持つことは成長過程の一部であるかもしれません。このように夢中になることはほぼどの年齢の人にも影響します。 幼馴染や幼い頃に同じクラスやグループにいた2人がついに一緒になることを聞くことは特に元気付けられます。 例: "Im so glad we are together now. You know I even had a soft spot for you in infant school?" (現在一緒になることができて嬉しいです。私は幼児学校の頃からあなたのことが好きだったことを知っていますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I've loved you for the longest time.

  • I've had a crush on you since way back when.

  • I've loved you since-- I can't even remember when.

I've loved you for the longest time. - this is a really sweet thing to say; it means that you've love someone so long that it has no specified time; just the "longest" time I've loved you since-- I can't even remember when. - this is also really sweet; this means you've loved someone for so long that you've forgotten how long you've loved them for since way back when - this means so far back that there is no specified date
"I've loved you for the longest time." (あなたの事がずっと好きでした) - とても可愛らしい言い方です。 これは特定の時期からではなく誰かの事をずっと好きだったという意味になります。 "longest"(長い)間と言う意味ですね。 "I've loved you since-- I can't even remember when." (いつからかわからないくらい前からあなたの事が好きです) - これもまたとてもかわいらしい表現ですね。 これは忘れてしまうくらい前から誰かの事が大好きと言う意味になります。 "since way back when"(ずっと昔から) - はっきりした時期はありませんが、ずっと昔から、という様な意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I've had a crush on you ages ago.

  • I've had feeling for you for a long time.

  • You've had a special place in heart for quite a while now.

Sometimes it can be difficult to express our feelings to others, we feel as though we can't find the right words to say. If you need to express yourself to someone about your feelings here are a few sentences that you could use:-# 1. I've had a crush on you ages ago. 2. I've had feeling for you for a long time. 3. You've had a special place in heart for quite a while now. All of these sentences will let the person know that you have liked them for some time.
自分の気持ちを人に伝えるのは簡単ではありませんね、なかなかいい言葉が見つからないことがあります。 相手に自分の気持ちを伝えるなら、例えば次のように言えます。 1. I've had a crush on you ages ago.(ずっとあなたのことが好きでした) 2. I've had feeling for you for a long time.(ずっとあなたのことが好きでした) 3. You've had a special place in heart for quite a while now.(ずっとあなたのことが好きでした) これらどの文でも「ずっとあなたのことが好きだった」と伝えることができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I had a crush on you for a long time

  • I had loved you since ...

In the second sentence, you need to say in the end since what time you've been loving this person. I would use the first one because I like to use the word "crush", although, there are no big differences between them.
二つ目の例では、"since" の後に「時」を表す言葉を加えます。 私だったら一つ目の例を使うと思います、"crush" という言葉が好きなので。 ただ、この二つの文に大きな意味の違いはありません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Ever since I drew eyes upon you, I knew you where the one.

  • I can't get you out of my head.

  • From the moment we met, there was an instant attraction.

Draw eyes upon: means noticeable, something or someone that stands out to you. Eye catching. Instant attraction: means, you have an instant spark with someone. You feel a strong connection in some way, whether it be physical or emotional. Can't get you out of my head: means, you are not able to forget them or ignore them.
Draw eyes upon:「目立つ/目にとまる/目を引く」という意味です。 Instant attraction:「瞬間的に惹かれる」という意味です。「〔外見的であれ内面的であれ〕強い魅力を感じる」ということ。 Can't get you out of my head:「忘れられない/無視できない/頭から離れない」という意味です。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
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