I live by the river, so it's my daily routine to run along it
I live by the river, so it's my daily routine to run along it=川沿いに住んでいるので川沿いで走るのが日課です
daily routine=日課
It's easy for me to run by the river because I live close to one=川沿いを走るのが楽なのは家の近くに川があるからだ
I try to run every day because there's a beautiful river in my neighborhood=近所に美しい川があるからなるべく毎日走るようにしている
I live by the river, so running along the river has become my routine.
「川沿いに住んでいるので、川沿いを走るのが習慣」という表現は英語で "I live by the river, so running along the river has become my routine." と言います。
"I live by the river" は「川沿いに住んでいる」を意味します。
"Running along the river" は「川沿いを走る」を意味します。
"Has become my routine" は「習慣になっている」を意味します。