Ten thousand (10 000) fireworks have been prepared.
Ten thousand (10 000) fireworks are being fired in this fireworks festival.
About Ten thousand (10 000) will be launched in this fireworks display.
Ten thousand (10 000) fireworks have been prepared.
= 一万発の花火が用意されています。
Ten thousand (10 000) fireworks are being fired in this festival.
About Ten thousand (10 000) will be launched in this fireworks display.
launch (もともとは「投げる、発射する」の意)
fireworks festival
fireworks display
The act of lighting a firework is called 'setting it off', for example:
"Let's set off the fireworks"
"Stand back while the fireworks are being set off"
"They are setting off the fireworks in five minutes!"
花火を打ち上げることを"setting if off"と言います。
"Let's set off the fireworks"
"Stand back while the fireworks are being set off"
"They are setting off the fireworks in five minutes!"
Over 10,000 fireworks have been prepared for the festival this year!
The first sentence is a simple and direct way to say that 10,000 fireworks will be set off during the festival this year.
The second sentence talks more about the preparations for the festival and implies that all 10,000 fireworks will be set off.
I hope this helps :)
The firework display will incorporate 10,000 fireworks.
There will be 10,000 fireworks fired off at the event.
"The firework display will incorporate 10,000 fireworks."
The word "Incorporate" is similar to include or involve 10,000 fireworks.
Display - A performance that is done with fireworks.
"There will be 10,000 fireworks fired off at the event."
There will be - at the event in the future.
Fired off - You could also say shoot off, launched, etc.
Event - A show, that can be either private or public like a firework display.
"The firework display will incorporate 10,000 fireworks."
"Incorporate"とは、~を含むという意味のincludeや involveと似た意味です。
Display - 花火のパフォーマンスのことです。
"There will be 10,000 fireworks fired off at the event."
There will be - そのイベントである予定のこと
Fired off - 打ち上げるという意味で、 shoot off, launchedなども使うことができます。
Event - 花火大会のようなプライベート、公共のイベント、ショーのこと
Ten thousand fireworks will be set off throughout the duration of the festival.
By the time the festival ends a total of ten thousand fire works will have been set off.
As this is a total amount of fireworks that will be set off from the start to the finish of the festival, the sentence can be structured to explain this. By stating that these fireworks will be released through the duration of the festival or by the time the festival ends, you are explaining that this will occur incrementally over time.
There are 10,000 fireworks to be set off in this festival
If an event or activity of some kind is happening in the near future, you can say that it is 'upcoming' or 'is to be' held. (to be + VERB).
Eg. 'The summer athletics tournament is to be held in London.'
近い将来、何らかのイベントや活動が行われる場合、upcomingやis to be heldを使って表現できます。
例:'The summer athletics tournament is to be held in London.'
They are going to launch 10,000 fireworks.
既に答えに挙がっているset off以外にも、launchも使えます。