To the one person who made me laugh the most this year, thank you
❶Thanks for all the laughs this year.
❷Thank you for making me laugh so much this year.
❸To the one person who made me laugh the most this year, thank you.(今年一番笑わせてくれた人へ、ありがとう)。
①Let’s keep on laughing!, (笑い続けよう)。
②Let’s keep on making each other laugh!
③I want to always laugh with you, right next to you!
I'm thankful for all the laughter you brought this year.
1) Thank you for making me laugh a lot this year.
こちらが一番直訳となります。make me laugh は「私を笑わせる」という意味です。Thank you for 〜=〜してくれてありがとう。となります。
2) I'm thankful for all the laughter you brought this year.
I'm thankful = 私は感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです
all the laughter=すべての笑い
you brought = あなたが持ってきた、くれた
直訳は「持ってきた」となりますが英語だと you bring so much joy (あなたはたくさんの喜びをくれる)のような使い方をします。
I hope to keep sharing smiles with you.
I hope that we can continue laughing together.
ちなみにsmile は笑顔ですが、大まかにいいたい事は似ていると思うので是非ご参考に。