世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/27 14:11
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  • Would you like to sit down?

  • Would you like my seat?

  • I'm going to stretch my legs - would you like to sit down?

kojou008さん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. Would you like to sit down? お座りになられますか? 2. Would you like my seat? (逐語訳)私の席では、いかがですか? 3. I'm going to stretch my legs - would you like to sit down? (逐語訳)少足をしストレッチングしたいので、お座りになられますか? お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Here, have my seat.

  • Please sit here.

  • I would like to give you my seat.

Here, have my seat. Please sit here. I would like to give you my seat. You can sit here. Please take this seat. I will stand so you can sit here.
Here, have my seat. (どうぞ、私の席に座ってください) Please sit here. (ここに座ってください) I would like to give you my seat. (私の席に座ってください) You can sit here. (ここに座ってください) Please take this seat. (ここに座ってください) I will stand so you can sit here. (私は立つのでここに座ってください)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Please take my seat, I insist.

  • Here, take my seat.

  • Would you like to take my seat?

You can also add sir (for a man) or ma'am (for a woman). When we say insist, it means that it is really something we want strongly. That your offer for them to take your seat is sincere and genuine. You can also ask them if would like to take your seat, by saying: "Would you like to take my seat?", if they refuse (say no), you can add: "Please, I insist".
男性に言うときには "sir"、女性に言うときには "ma'am" を加えることもできます。 "insist" は、それを強く望んでいることを表します。ここでは、心から相手に席を譲りたいと思っていることを表します。 また、次のように、席に座りたいかどうか尋ねることもできます。 "Would you like to take my seat?"(私の席に座りませんか) もし相手が断ったら、"Please, I insist"(どうぞ座ってください)と加えることができます。
MJ Elworthy DMM英会話講師
  • Please, take my seat.

  • Take my seat. My stop is coming up soon.

  • Please take my seat, ma'am/miss/sir.

It's really as simple as standing up, smiling, saying, "Here" and indicating a bit with your arms. But if you want to put it into words, you could say, "Please, take my seat." Or if you feel the need to explain, "Take my seat. My stop is coming up soon." You can also add ma'am, miss, or sir: "Please take my seat, miss." However you say it, it's very nice.
これは、単に立ち上がって笑顔で、手で軽くジェスチャーをしながら、"Here" と言えば伝わります。ただ、もし言葉にしたいということなら、例えば次のように言えます。 "Please, take my seat." (私の席に座ってください) あるいは、もし説明を加えたいなら、 "Take my seat. My stop is coming up soon." (私の席に座ってください、もうすぐ降りるので) "ma'am" "miss" または "sir" を加えることもできます。 "Please take my seat, miss." (私の席に座ってください) どのように言っても、これはすごく親切です。
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • Kindly have my seat.

  • Please take my seat.

  • Would you like to have a seat?

If someone looks as though they may need the seat that you are sitting on more than you do (maybe they are pregnant, old, disabled, etc.), you can offer them your seat by using one of the above phrases. To be extra polite, you can add "I insist". So if you offer an elderly person a seat and they say no, you can insist that they sit down.
もし自分よりも座る席を必要としている人がいたら(妊婦、お年寄り、障害者など)、上記のフレーズの一つを使って、席を譲ることができます。 特に丁寧に言いたいなら、"I insist" を加えることもできます。お年寄りに席を譲って相手が「ノー」と言ったら、"I insist"(本当にいいですから)と言えます。
Papo DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to sit down?

  • Would you like a seat?

These phrases would be used on the train when maybe you see an elderly person or pregnant woman standing. To make it a more polite phrase try adding "excuse me" before saying the phrases to politely get their attention.
これらは、例えば電車で席がなくて立っているお年寄りや妊婦を見かけたときに使います。 これらのフレーズの前に "excuse me" を加えて相手の注意を引くとより丁寧になります。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to sit down?

  • Would you like to have my seat?

"Would you like to sit here?" is fine as it is. You can also say "Would you like to sit down?" is an alternative way to say the same thing. "Would you like to have my seat?" is also a very polite way to give your seat to another person.
"Would you like to sit here?"(ここに座りますか)のままでも問題ありません。 他に、"Would you like to sit down?" でも同じことが言えます。 "Would you like to have my seat?" も、人に席を譲るときの非常に丁寧な表現です。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to sit down, I don't mind standing?

  • Please have my seat, I'm getting off soon

This is a very kind gesture and may be followed up with 'I don't mind' or 'Its fine'. You would make a suggestion like this to elderly, pregnant or people with children. If they say "no", then you may want to insist that they sit down in a polite way. This can be done by saying something like: "Please, I insist".
これはすごく思いやりのある行動ですね。これに続けて 'I don't mind'(私は大丈夫です)や 'It's fine'(大丈夫です)と言うこともできます。お年寄りや妊婦、子連れの人に対してこのように提案できます。 もし相手が "no" と断ったら、丁寧に「どうぞ座ってください」と求めることもできます、例えば: "Please, I insist"(ぜひ、そうさせてください)
Tom Ott DMM英会話講師
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