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2018/06/28 00:26
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  • Every year there are more and more tourists

年々は「Every year」と訳します。

増えてきている事は「more and more」で表現できます。

したがって、「Every year there are more and more tourists」を提案しました。
質問者様のお求めの英語は「With the 2020 Olympics, every year there are more and more tourists coming to Japan」になりますが、2020年のオリンピックの開催と年々観光客の増倍の関係性が明白ではありません。円安や広告宣伝で観光客が増えてきているのではないでしょうか(海外に行く度に、日本に来てみないかという広告を見ます)。

Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • The number of tourists is increasing in Japan every year.

  • Japan is seeing an increase in number of tourists.

  • After Japan was selected to host the next Olympics, the number of tourists has been increasing each year.

年々は each year でも every yearでも良いです。

観光客は tourists/traveller/visitorsです。

The number of touristsで、観光客の数となります。

Once Japan was selected to host the next Olympicsや
After Japan was chosen to host the next Olympicsが最適かとおもいます。

increase で「増える」を表すことができます。


Miki K 英語講師
  • More and more tourists are visiting Japan every year

  • The number of tourists in Japan is increasing yearly

"More and more..." is a casual way of speaking about an increase in the frequency/number of something. For example, "More and more people are suffering from the disease."
"Increasing yearly" is a more concise way to say "increasing every year". "Yearly" is an adverb of time like 'monthly'/'weekly'/'daily'

"More and more..." は頻度や数が増えることを表すカジュアルな言い方です。
"More and more people are suffering from the disease."(この病気に苦しむ人が増えています)

"Increasing yearly" は "Increasing every year"(年々増えている)のより簡潔な言い方です。
"Yearly" は、"Monthly" や "Weekly" "Daily" と同様、「時」を表す副詞です。

Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • The number of tourists coming to Japan increaes every year

  • The number of tourists coming to Japan is increasing every year

  • Japans tourism rate increases every year

When talking about the amount of tourists or visitors going to a place we also call this 'tourism rate'
when talking about something happening every year (increasing) then you can use 'increases' or 'is increasing'

ある場所を訪れる観光客の数は、'tourism rate' で表すこともできます。

何かが毎年起きている(増えている)なら、'increases' または 'is increasing' が使えます。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The tourism industry in Japan is growing every year.

  • Tourism in Japan is growing by leaps and bounds.

  • Every year, more tourists flock to Japan.

The tourism industry is every business associated with tourism. It can mean airlines, hotels, tour operators and even restaurants. If it is growing every year, that means more money is spent in that industry every year.

If something is growing a lot, you can say it is growing "by leaps and bounds". For example:

"In the 90s, the Chinese economy grew by leaps and bounds."

The last asnwer talks about tourists themselves. This uses the verb "to flock". When people "flock" it means they do something in large numbers. For example:

When it's hot out, people flock to the beach.

"The tourism industry"(観光産業)は観光と関係のある全ての会社を言います。飛行機やホテル、ツアー・オペレーター、レストランを指すこともあります。それが "growing every year"(毎年成長している)ということですから、これは、その産業で使われるお金が毎年増えていることを表します。

急速に成長していることは、"growing by leaps and bounds" と表せます。
"In the 90s, the Chinese economy grew by leaps and bounds."(1990年代に、中国経済は飛躍的に成長しました)

最後の例では観光客自体について言っています。ここでは "to flock" という動詞を使っています。"flock" は「あることを大勢でする」という意味です。
"When it's hot out, people flock to the beach."(暑い日にはビーチに人が集まります)

Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • More and more tourists are visting Japan each year.

  • Japan's tourism industry increases every year.

  1. "More and more" is a way to describe a continuously increasing number or amount of something, in this case tourists. Saying "each year" is interchangable with "every year".

    1. Japan's own "tourism industry" is the political or economic reason for more toursits and increases because the number of tourists increases.
  1. "more and more" は何かが増え続けることを表す言い方です。この場合それは "tourists"(観光客)です。"each year" は "every year"(毎年)と置き換えることができます。

2.政治あるいは経済的には、観光客が増えているのは日本の "tourism industry"(観光産業)のおかげです。そして、それは観光客が増えると大きく(increase)なります。

Lennart DMM英会話講師
  • The amount of tourists has been increasing year on year

  • Tourist numbers are increasing every year

  • Every year I see notice that there are more and more tourists.

A good way to express the tourism trends in Japan (or any other country for that matter) is to use the phrase "the amount of tourists has been increasing year on year" or "tourist numbers are increasing every year". The first option provided is slightly more formal and in past tense. Finally, for an informal explanation you could say that "every year I notice that there are more and more tourists here in Japan.

"the amount of tourists has been increasing year on year"(観光客が年々増えています)
"tourist numbers are increasing every year"(観光客が毎年増えています)


"every year I notice that there are more and more tourists here in Japan."(日本に来る観光客は毎年増えています)

Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • Annually the number of tourists in japan increases

  • Tourism has sky rocketed in japan in recent years

"Annually the number of tourists in japan increases" using the term 'annually' is describing every year, this is a causal and frequently used term used by a lot of native speakers.
"Tourism has sky rocketed in japan in recent years" 'sky rocketed' is a slang/common term used for something that has increased a lot.

"Annually the number of tourists in japan increases"(毎年日本に来る観光客は増えている)
= 'annually' は「毎年」の意味です、カジュアルでネイティブがよく使う言葉です。

"Tourism has sky rocketed in japan in recent years"(ここ数年日本に来る観光客が急激に増えた)
= 'sky rocketed' は何かが急激に増えたことを表すスラング/一般的な表現です。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The number of tourists in Japan is increasing every year.

  • More and more tourists are visiting Japan every year.


・The number of tourists in Japan is increasing every year.
・More and more tourists are visiting Japan every year.

every year で「毎年」となります。


Erik 日英翻訳者
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