世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/30 02:26
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2018/06/30 13:47
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  • What are the things I cannot put in my carry-on bag?

機内持ち込みのカバン=carry-on bag What are some of the things I cannot put in my carry-on bag?(機内持ち込みのカバンの中に入れてはいけないものには何がありますか?)
  • What things are not permitted in my carry on bag?

  • What items are prohibited in my carry on bag?

  • What things/items are not allowed in my carry on bag?

The bag you can take or carry onto the airplane are referred to as your 'carry on' bag or luggage Sometimes certain things/items are not allowed to be taken on or carried if something is 'not allowed' then you can also say it is 'not permitted' or 'prohibited'
機内持ち込みの荷物のことを、 'carry on' bag や luggageと言います。 ある特定のものが機内持ち込み禁止されています。このことを、 'not permitted' や 'prohibited'(禁止されている)と言います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "What items am I not allowed to bring in my carry-on?"

  • "What items are prohibited from my carry-on luggage?"

  • "What should I not pack in my carry-on luggage?"

"What items am I not allowed to bring in my carry-on?" clearly asks the question of what items should NOT be packed as part of the allowed carry-on luggage. It phrases the question in such a way that the answer should list all items NOT ALLOWED. In this example sentence the "luggage" from "carry-on luggage" has also been dropped as "carry-on" on its own can also be understood as the same thing. "What items are prohibited from my carry-on luggage?" "Prohibited" is a commonly used word when describing things that are not allowed, especially in a legal sense. "What should I not pack in my carry-on luggage?" is another version of the above example sentence but uses everyday language instead.
"What items am I not allowed to bring in my carry-on?" (機内持ち込み荷物に入れてはいけないものは何ですか?) これは、どのアイテムが機内持ち込み禁止にされているのかを聞くフレーズです。聞いた相手からの返答にあるものは、全て禁止されたアイテムとなります。 "carry-on luggage" は短く"carry-on"と言うことがあります。   "What items are prohibited from my carry-on luggage?" (機内持ち込に禁止されているものは何ですか?) "Prohibited"は、特に法的に、禁止されているという意味です。  "What should I not pack in my carry-on luggage?" (機内持ち込み荷物に入れてはいけないものは何ですか?) これは、別の表現で日常会話で使われるフレーズです。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a list of things that are not accepted in my carry-on bag?

If you wanted to ask at the airport what is allowed and not allowed you could ask for a list of the things so you can read them all and check. To not accept something means it's not OK or not allowed.
空港で機内に持ち込めるもの持ち込めないものを確認するなら、リストをくださいとお願いできます。リストを読んで問題ないかどうか確認できます。 'not accepted' は「認められていない/許可されていない」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • What am I prohibited from packing in my carry-on?

  • What items are not allowed in carry-on luggage?

The words prohibited and not allowed are similar in meaning, but prohibited is a stronger word, used to express that something is forbidden or banned. Not allowed is a more casual way of saying you are not able to do or bring something. "What am I prohibited from packing in my carry-on?" Packing - putting in your carry-on to bring with you on the plane. carry-on - a bag, backpack, small piece of luggage, etc. that you carry with you into the cabin of the airplane. "What items are not allowed in carry-on luggage?" Items - liquids, objects, tools, etc.
prohibited' と 'not allowed' は意味が似ていますが、'prohibited' は「禁止」を表すより強い言葉です。 'not allowed' は「~できない」を表すよりカジュアルな表現です。 "What am I prohibited from packing in my carry-on?"(機内に持ち込むかばんに入れてはいけないものは何ですか) Packing - 機内に持ち込むかばんに荷物を詰める carry-on - 機内に持ち込む手荷物、バックパック、かばんなど。 "What items are not allowed in carry-on luggage?"(機内に持ち込むかばんに入れてはいけないものは何ですか) Items - 液体、物、道具など。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • What permitted items may I pack in my carry-on bag?

  • What items in a carry-on bag will cause problems at the security check in the airport?

1. When something is permitted, it has been authorized, or consent has been given for that item to be included. 2. If an item may cause issues or slow the line down in a security check in the airport, that will be a good measure as to whether an item should not be packed in a bag that one plans to carry with him/her during the flight. Therefore, this can be a good question to ask if one is needing a specific list of items that are not permitted or would cause suspicion.
1. "permitted" は「許可された」や「認められた」という意味です。 2. 空港の手荷物検査で問題になるかどうかは、かばんにそれを入れるべきかどうかの判断基準になりますね。機内に持ち込めないもの、持ち込もうとすると怪しまれるものを知りたいなら、このように言えます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • What am I not allowed to take in the cabin?

  • What things are prohibited in carry on baggage?

At an airport, you want to ask about the things you can't bring in your carry-on bag. Any of the above examples is good.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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