Excuse me, please could you help me put this up there?
Excuse me, please could you put this in the overhead locker for me?
Excuse me, please could you put this in the overhead bin for me?
As you are asking a stranger for a favour, its best to be as polite as possible; using please and excuse me.
You don't necessarily need to use the words 'overhead locker' or 'overhead bin', which are both the formal terms for the cupboard above your seats on a plane. You could just say 'this' and 'there' and whilst you say these words, point to the different things you are referring to.
1. Would you mind putting my stuff in the overhead locker?
2. Would you help me please?
3. Would you please lend me a hand?
Explanation: Sentence one is the complete request, however, in context of the situation of standing in the aisle of a plane and struggling with baggage, sentence two would be quite adequate.
3. To lend a hand means to assist someone.
Example sentence:
"Sorry I'm late, I was lending a hand to my mother who is decorating her living room."
最初の表現は、飛行機の通路で荷物を上げるのに苦戦しているときに使う表現です。二つ目は、この状況でも、その他の状況でも割と使える表現です。三つ目のlend a handとは、手伝う、手を貸すという意味です。
"Sorry I'm late, I was lending a hand to my mother who is decorating her living room."
Would you mind putting my bag in the overhead locker please
Could I ask for your help with this please
Can you help me with my bags please
"Would you mind" is a very polite way of asking. As is "Could I ask for your help?" Both using modal(helping) verbs along with main verb. Can you help is a more straightforward version but with please on end is still acceptable
Would you mind はとても丁寧な表現です。Could I ask for your help?(お願いできますか)というのも同じです。どちらも法助動詞を使った表現です。
Can you help は、ややストレートな表現ですが、pleaseをつけるとより丁寧になります。
To give someone a hand is to aid them, especially when it is clear that the person needs help. This is a very common phrase in English. There are many ways to say "Could you help me out?" that all depend on the context of the conversation or the situation.
To give someone a hand' は、特に助けた必要なことが明らかなときに「手を貸す」ことをいいます。これはとても一般的なフレーズです。
"Could you help me out?"(手伝ってもらえますか)の言い方は、状況や会話の流れによっていろいろあります。
Could you help me with my bag, please?( I'd like it in the overhead bin.)
You would use this phrase in different situations. When you are on the plane and you are struggling with your bag simply asking, "Could you help me with my bag, please?" will allow the other person to know (through the situation) that you need help getting it into the over heard bin.
"Could you help me with my bag, please?"(かばん、手伝っていただけますか)
Excuse me, would you mind putting my bag up there for me?
Excuse me, would you mind putting my bag in the overhead locker please?
When asking someone to do something for you then you should always try and be polite this will make them more likely to do it for you
Excuse me is a good way to get their attention then 'would you mind' is a polite way of asking them to do something, always add please at the end of what you are asking as well
'Excuse me'(すみません)で、相手の注意を引くと良いでしょう。
'Would you mind'は、頼み事をするときの丁寧な言い方です。
そして、お願いの最後には忘れずに 'Please' を付けるようにしましょう。
①Excuse me, can you put this bag up there, please?
②Excuse me, do you think you could put this bag up there for me?
①Excuse me, can you put this bag up there, please? (お願いします、と当たり前に頼みます)
②Excuse me, do you think you could put this bag up there for me?(やってもらえそうでしょうかね?と間接的に頼みます)