世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/01 14:32
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  • Which is faster by train or by bus?

ご質問頂きありがとうございます。 海外旅行で、バスを使おうとされているんですね! 素晴らしいです! Which is faster by train or by bus? →fasterはfastの比較級になり、 どちらが(which)早く着くかを確認する事が可能になります。 By 乗り物とすることで、その乗り物で。とする事が出来ます。 By taxi, by car, by tramなどなど・・・ 旅行楽しんでください^^
  • Which would be faster, the train or the bus?

Which would be faster, the train or the bus? →電車とバスだとどっちが早いですかね。 「早い」には「fast(形容詞)」を使いました。 「faster」はその比較級です。 「which」には「名詞」と「形容詞」があります、ここでは「名詞」です。 回答は一例です、参考程度にしていただければ。 ありがとうございました
  • Which is faster, train or bus?

  • How can I get there faster, by train or by bus?

When we are traveling abroad, we might not always know the best route to take or how to get somewhere quicker. That is why it is always good to ask! If we want to know what is the quickest way to a destination, and our preferred way of transportation is either a train or a bus, we can ask some of these questions: 1) "Which is faster, train or bus?" 2) "How can I get there faster, by train or by bus?"
海外に旅行したとき、どこかに早く着く最善のルートを必ずしも知らないかもしれません。ですので、質問することは常にいいことです! もし、ある目的地への最速の方法を聞きたく、電車かバスのどちらかで行きたいならば、以下のように質問できます: 1) Which is faster, train or bus? 2) How can I get there faster, by train or by bus? (電車かバス、どちらが早く着けますか?)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Is it faster to get there by bus or by train?

  • Is it faster to get to (destination) by bus or by train?

When we talk about modes of transport, we use the word "by", except when we talk about walking. E.g. "Can I get there on foot?" "Yes, but it is a 50 minute walk. It is faster by train or by bus." "What about by car?" "Yes, but it is very expensive to get there by car."
交通手段は、歩く場合を除いて「by」で表します。 例文 "Can I get there on foot?" 〔訳〕そこまで歩いて行けますか? "Yes, but it is a 50 minute walk. It is faster by train or by bus." 〔訳〕はい、でも50分かかります。電車かバスのほうが速いです "What about by car?" 〔訳〕車はどうですか? "Yes, but it is very expensive to get there by car." 〔訳〕大丈夫ですが、車で行くと相当お金がかかります
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Which is the fastest and most convenient way to travel, by train or bus?

  • Which means of transportation would you recommend for a faster arrival, train or bus?

  • How long would it take to travel there by train and bus?

When traveling abroad and wanting to commute around a city, you may want to inquire about the fastest way to travel from place to place and the most convenient and comfortable means of transportation. You may ask in any of the following ways; Could you tell me which is the fastest and most convenient way to travel, by train or bus in your city? Which means of transportation would you recommend for a faster arrival, train or bus? Could you tell me how long would it take to travel there by train and bus? Always remember to be clear and specific in your questions and to ask in a polite way.
海外旅行をしていて、都市の周辺を周りたいとき、場所から場所へ移動する最速の手段、最も便利で快適な交通手段を尋ねたいでしょう。次の言い方で聞くことができます; Could you tell me which is the fastest and most convenient way to travel, by train or bus in your city? (あなたの都市では、電車かバスかどちらが早くて便利な移動方法か教えてもらえますか?) Which means of transportation would you recommend for a faster arrival, train or bus? (電車かバスかどちらが早い移動方法か教えてもらえますか?) Could you tell me how long would it take to travel there by train and bus? (そこに行くのに電車とバスでどのくらいかかるか教えてもらえますか?) 質問はいつも明確に具体的にし、礼儀正しくたずねましょう。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Which is faster, train or bus?

  • Is the train or bus the fastet way to get there?

  • Can i get there quicker by train or bus?

When talking about the amount of time it takes to travel to somewhere then you might ask about different types of transport to see which one is quicker you can simply ask 'which is faster/quicker, train or bus? Faster and quicker mean the same thing
ある場所に行くのにかかる時間について話すとき、複数の交通手段を比較してどちらがより早く着くのか確認したくなるかもしません。 シンプルに次のように聞けます。 'Which is faster/quicker, train or bus?' (電車とバス、どちらが早いですか) 'faster' と 'quicker' は同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Which is quicker, bus or train?

If, when traveling abroad, you want to get to a certain destination, and want to ask someone which way you can get to the destination faster, by train or bus, then youi may try the above exampled sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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