Any of the questions above can be used on a patient to determine when his or her pain started. You can be specific and ask, "When did your neck start hurting?" You can also use the phrases, "When did you start noticing...?" or the phrase, "Do you remember when...? Another way to ask is to use the phrase, "Can you tell me when your neck started hurting?" Or you can also use the phrase, "Please tell me when your neck started hurting."
"When did your neck start hurting?"(首の痛みはいつ始まりましたか)
また、"When did you start noticing...?" あるいは "Do you remember when...?" というフレーズも使えます。
"Can you tell me when your neck started hurting?"(首の痛みはいつ始まりましたか)
"Please tell me when your neck started hurting."(首の痛みはいつ始まりましたか)も使えます。
If you are in a situation like this, you could use a few different expressions to ask about when the pain in the patient's neck started.
1) When did your neck start hurting?
2) How long have you been feeling this way?
3) When did the pain start?
These questions are all asking the same thing but in different ways. The first question is talking about the neck specifically, but the second and third questions are a little more open. But if the patient already mentioned the problem, you can ask these questions and there will be no confusion.
1) When did your neck start hurting? (あなたの首はいつから痛み始めましたか)
2) How long have you been feeling this way? (どのくらいの間このように感じていますか)
3) When did the pain start? (その痛みはいつ始まりましたか)
ちなみに「寝違える」は、sleep the wrong way で
I slept the wrong way last night. 「昨晩寝違えた。」
(A.) Initially, when did you notice the pain in your neck?
(B.) Tell me about the first time you noticed the pain in your neck?
Example (A.) is a direct question which is used to identify the exact moment the person your speaking to realized they had pain.
Example (B.) is a more general question. Using “tell me about,” with “the first time,” informs the listener you want to know both the moment they realized they had pain, and the context of the experience. Where were they? What were they doing? How long did the pain last? How intense was the pain? Etc.
例文 (A.) は痛みに気が付いたのがいつなのか単刀直入に尋ねています。
例文 (B.) はより一般的な聞き方です。“tell me about”を“the first time”と一緒に使って、痛みに気が付いた瞬間とその時の状況について尋ねています。その時どこにいたか、何をしていたか、痛みはどのくらい続いたか、どのくらい痛かったか、などです。
1. Since when does it hurt?
2. When did your neck start hurting?
Since when で「いつから」をシンプルに表現することができます。
When we have a symptom, a common way to ask a patient about the duration and onset of the pain is to ask how long it has been "bothering" them. "To bother" usually means "to slightly annoy", but it is frequently used this way in a medical context.
症状があるとき、患者にどれくらい痛みが続いているかを尋ねる一般的な言い方は、 how long it has been "bothering" themです。
"To bother"とは、たいてい少し煩わしいという意味ですが、医療の会話でもよく使われます。
Since when does it hurt?
When did you neck start hurting?
since when で「いつから」を英語で表現することができます。