世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/13 16:45
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  • Have you sold everthing? There is not one left?

  • Everything has been bought? There is not one left, even in the stock room?

Another way to ask if something is sold out, is by asking if everything has been bought (past tense "to buy"). This is totally acceptable question in this situation. Sometimes it can be good to ask if the business may have extra products in storage, i.e the stock room where additional stock is kept before being moved to the shop floor etc.
何かが売り切れたときの別の表現は、everything has been bought (全て買われてしまった)かどうか聞くことです。("buy"の過去分詞系bought) この場合ぴったりの表現です。 時には、お店の倉庫に余分に在庫があるか聞くのもいい方法です。the stock roomとは、売り場に移動される前に在庫を保管するところです。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have even one left?

  • Are you completely sold out?

When an item is very popular, the entire inventory may be depleted. When this happens we say something has "sold out". It is disappointing when we miss out on something we were excited about is sold out.
ある商品が人気のとき、全ての在庫がなくなるかもしれません。こうなることを、 "sold out"(品切れ)と言います。楽しみにしていたものが売り切れてて手に入らないと、がっかりするものです。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any more in the back of the store?

  • Is it possible you have one in the stock room?

  • Was this your entire stock?

Here are two ways to ask if there are additional items in the storage area of the store. This could be called the back of the store or the stock room. "Do you have any more in the back of the store?" "Is it possible you have one in the stock room?" Or you can ask.... "Was this your entire stock?" You are asking if what is on the shelves is all they have. This is a good question to ask if they only have one of the items you want on the shelf but you need two or more.
お店の倉庫にもっと商品があるか聞く2つの表現がこちらです。商品のある倉庫のことをthe back of the store や the stock roomと言います。 "Do you have any more in the back of the store?" 倉庫にもっとありますか?  "Is it possible you have one in the stock room?" 倉庫に商品はありそうですか?  "Was this your entire stock?" これが在庫全てですか? これは、棚にあるもので全部なのかを聞く表現です。棚にある自分の欲しいものが一つしかなく、2つ以上欲しいときに聞くいい表現です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Have you sold out of this product? Will you be receiving another shipment?

When you "sell out" of a product, it means that you have completely sold the entire stock of it. You can then ask if the store will be receiving more of the product because it may be possible that while the store does not have the product at that moment that it could have more in the future. I hope this helps :)
商品を"sell out"するとは、全ての在庫が完全に売り切れてしまったという意味です。そのお店に今は在庫がなくてもこの先、入荷する可能性があるかもしれないので、お店に入荷するかどうか聞いてみるといいでしょう。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Is there not even one, shop-soiled or display item left?

  • Is it possible to check other branches to see if there is any stock available elsewhere?

Well, 'sold out' means there are none left so this question needs to be phrased carefully if you don't wish to challenge either the sanity or accuracy of the management. After all stock has been sold, there may well be one or two display or shop-soiled items left which were not counted amongst the stock offered for sale. In fact these may well be offered at slightly reduced prices. Alternatively you could ask about the availability of the same item in another branch within the company, as quite often, larger companies are able to transfer stock from branch to branch.
"sold out"(完売)は何も残っていないことを意味するので、この質問をするときは、お店側の責任能力または管理能力を疑っていると誤解されないように言葉を慎重に選んだ方が良いでしょう。在庫ゼロの状況でも、もしかしたら、販売用の在庫として扱っていないディスプレイ用の商品が一つや二つあるかもしれないですね。実際には、割引して売ってくれることもあります。もしくは、支店に同じ商品があるか否か確認してもらうといいでしょう。大抵、大手企業では、支店から別の支店へ在庫を移すことも出来ますよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any left in the back?

  • Are there any left in the store, or are you sold out of everything

I think in North America, or at least Canada you can use the word, "back" to refer to the "back stock" (the place the store uses to keep extra stock [items]). Asking, "Are there any left in the back?" is asking if there is any of the product being kept in the back stock. Asking, "Are there any left in the store, or are you sold out of everything?" Is asking if there are any left in the store, then asking if they are sold out. If you are doing this in North America, a lot of stores will contact other stores or look online to get you the product you want :) So asking, "Can you order it from another store?" Is a handy question to use in this situation, where you are asking to have the product shipped to you!
北米、少なくてもカナダでは「back」で「back stock(在庫を保管しておく倉庫)」を表せます。 "Are there any left in the back?" (他に在庫はありませんか?) - その商品の在庫があるかどうかを尋ねる質問です。 "Are there any left in the store, or are you sold out of everything?" (お店にはもうこの商品はありませんか、全部売り切れてしまいましたか?) - 店に在庫があるかどうか、その後、売り切れてしまったかどうか尋ねています。 これが北米なら、他の店に連絡を取ったり、オンラインで調べて、商品を取り寄せてくれます。 :) ですから、 "Can you order it from another store?" (他のお店に注文してくれますか?) これは、このような状況でとても便利な表現です。商品を取り寄せるようお願いします。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Completely sold out?

  • Absolutely zero products left?

  • Is there a chance that there is one left?

It is very common to ask if there is any left after you are told that an item has been sold out, just to be sure. You could even ask the sales person to check in the back, or check the stock just in case. If it is a store item, like shoes, clothes, electronics, etc. : Could you check to be sure there aren't any left? Are you absolutely certain none have remained? If you are at a restaurant, coffee shop or bar, however, we are not talking about an item: Are you sure there is no more....? Is there any chance some has remained in the back/kitchen? Could you double check to be sure? Are you absolutely positive you are completely sold out?
「売り切れた」と言われてそれについて本当に何も残っていないのか確認することはよくありますね。販売員に在庫がないかどうか見てきてもらうこともできます。もしそれが靴や服、電化製品などお店の品物なら、次のように言えます。 Could you check to be sure there aren't any left? Are you absolutely certain none have remained? (何も残っていないのか確認してもらえますか。本当に一つもありませんか) そこがレストランやコーヒーショップ、バーなら、品物について言うわけではありませんね: Are you sure there is no more....?(本当に....は何もありませんか) Is there any chance some has remained in the back/kitchen?(奥/キッチンに少し残っているということはありませんか) Could you double check to be sure?(念のためもう一度確認してもらえますか) Are you absolutely positive you are completely sold out?(本当に完全に売り切れですか)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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