世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/14 16:40
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  • The provided address is incorrect. Can you please confirm what your address is?

  • I believe you may have provided the wrong address. Where did you want the food delivered to?

  • Can I please check that we have the correct delivery address?

If the customer is not at the provided address, you can say it is "wrong" or "incorrect". Some customers may be offended by the accusation that they have provided the wrong address. You can manage this by politely saying "I believe you may have provided the wrong address." rather than just saying "The address is wrong.". Another polite option is to say "Can I please check that we have the correct delivery address?" "To confirm" means to establish if something is correct. If you want to confirm something with someone, you can "check" it with them.
もしお客さんがもらった住所にいないなら、 間違いという意味の"wrong" や "incorrect"と言えるでしょう。 住所が間違っていたというと、言いがかりをつけて怒ってしまう客もいます。 礼儀正しく、"The address is wrong."(住所が間違っている)と言うよりも、. 以下のように伝えるといいでしょう。 "I believe you may have provided the wrong address." 住所が間違っているかもしれないのですが。 別の丁寧な表現は、 "Can I please check that we have the correct delivery address?" お届けの住所が合っているか確認してもいいですか? です。   "To confirm" とは、何かが合っているか確認するという意味です。何かを確認することを、"check" とも言います。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • You seem to have given us the incorrect address, could you please update your address?

  • You have given us the wrong address, could you please update your address with us so that we could deliver your food to the correct place.

When someone has given the wrong address for a food delivery order whether it's via telephone or an app, you may simply ask them to update their address. update-To give the latest information. You may also call the customer and simply ask; ''Could you please inform me of your correct address as the one on our app is incorrect.'' inform-to give facts or information.
電話であろうとアプリであろうと、食べ物の配達の注文のアドレスが間違っていたとき、update their addressと言うことができます。 update-最新の情報を渡すこと またお客さんに電話をして以下のように聞くこともできます。   ''Could you please inform me of your correct address as the one on our app is incorrect.'' 私たちのアプリの住所が正しくないので、正しいものを教えてもらえますか? inform-事実や情報を与えること
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Will you verify the address for me, please?

  • Will you please check the address? I am not I have the correct address.

"Will you verify the address for me, please?" or "Will you check the address for me, please?" Verify - to make sure or check that the address is correct. "Will you please check the address? I am not sure I have the correct address." Ask the question and then explain why you are asking. Correct - the right address, right room number, etc.
"Will you verify the address for me, please?" や "Will you check the address for me, please?"はどちらも、住所を確認してもらえませんか?という意味です。 Verify - その住所が正しいか確認すること   "Will you please check the address? I am not sure I have the correct address." 住所を確認してもらえませんか?正しい住所ではないようです。 始めに質問をして、それから理由を説明します。 Correct - 正しい住所、正しい部屋番号など
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid this address I have is not correct. Could you please read out your address again?

  • I seem to have the wrong address for you. Could you repeat it for me?

If someone has made a mistake when providing their address either of these answers are a polite way of asking the customer to reconfirm their address. Customers may not realise they have made a mistake and so by using one of these answers they should be happy to read out their address again for you. 'Not correct' is the same as incorrect.
誰かが住所を間違ったときは、これらの例は、住所を再確認するのにお客さんに丁寧に聞く表現です。 お客さんは、間違ったことに気づいていないかもしれないので、これらの例を使うことで、もう一度住所を不快に思わずに読み上げてくれるでしょう。  'Not correct'は incorrectと同じで正しくないという意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The address you gave me seems to be wrong, could you please reconfirm it?

  • Can you please reconfirm your address, as the one you gave me seems to be incorrect

If something is 'incorrect' it is also said to be 'wrong' when delivering food it is important to have the right address to deliver the food to so you might ask the customer to 'reconfirm' the address to make sure you have written it down correctly/right
incorrect' と 'wrong'は同じ意味です。 食べ物を配達するときは、正しい住所が分かっていないといけません。ですから、正しい住所を書いたかどうかお客さんに 'reconfirm'(再確認する)ようお願いできるでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The address is wrong/incorrect.

  • It seems that the address is not correct.

間違っていますというと、英語では You are wrong', 'You are not correct. I think it's not correct. I think you are wrong. といろいろな表現があります。 出前の場合だと、もしお客さんが住所が間違っていて伺いたいようであれば、次のような表現を使って頂ければと思います: Sir/Ma'am, would you mind repeating your address as it does not seem to be correct. I am sorry but the address you just said seems to be incorrect.
  • The address given to me is not correct, can you confirm the address again please?

  • I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I can't find your address. Can you please reconfirm the address?

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you are not able to find their address and you need them to reconfirm the address. In the second sentence you will see the noun inconvenience. This means problem or difficulty. This word is appropriate for formal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例は、住所を見つけられないのでもう一度確認して欲しいと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例には、"inconvenience" という名詞が使われています。これは「不便」「迷惑」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面に適しています。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • The address seems to be incorrect. Can you please resend the correct address?

  • Can I confirm the address with you? I believe it may be incorrect.

  • I can't seem to find your address. Can I confirm with you which is the correct address?

If you need someone to resend an address, it is proper to ask. You can simply ask, "Can you please resend the address? Can you please reconfirm the address?" It is polite and considered well-mannered if you also explain why you cannot find the address. Use tactful phrases like, "I believe it may be incorrect. I can't seem to find your address." You can also ask, "Can I confirm if this is the correct address because I cannot seem to find it?" If you use this phrase, you would resend the address sent to you. They can see it and confirm or send you the correct address.
住所をもう一度送ってもらう必要があるなら、お願いするのは当然ですね。シンプルに次のように言えます。 "Can you please resend the address?"(住所をもう一度送っていただけますか) "Can you please reconfirm the address?"(住所をもう一度確認していただけますか) なぜ住所を見つけられないのか説明すると礼儀正しく丁寧になります。次のような巧みなフレーズを使いましょう。 "I believe it may be incorrect. I can't seem to find your address." (間違っているかもしれません。住所が見つかりません) 次のように聞くこともできます。 "Can I confirm if this is the correct address because I cannot seem to find it?" (この住所が正しいか確認させていただけますか。見つけられないので) もしこのフレーズを使うなら、相手が始めに送ってきた住所を再び相手に送り返します。その人にそれを見せて、間違っていれば正しい住所を送ってもらいます。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • You can say: "this address is wrong".

Here are some examples: 1: The address you gave me is incorrect, could you give me your current location? 2: No, that's the wrong address, I will you send you my correct location. 3: That's the wrong place, you need to go to this location.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • You have given me the incorrect address.

  • Could you please confirm your correct address with me once again please.

  • The address given is incorrect.

You could use any of the above three sentences to make it certain that you have received the incorrect address from the customer or when wanting to confirm the correct address with them.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please reconfirm the address? There seems to be an error

  • The address is inaccurate. Would you check it again, please?

Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. It is important to realise our mistakes and correct them. Sometimes they are not major, but other times they can be. Getting a delivery address correct is important because the driver needs to know where to go and he may have other deliveries to deliver so he may get stressed. These two sentences are very polite ways of asking somebody to recheck the address and make sure it is correct because there seems to be an error. There shouldn't be a problem and the customer won't get annoyed because you are being very polite and it is only a simple error.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I can't seem to find your address, could you please reconfirm it?

  • Please could you double check that the address you provided is correct?

To "double check" means to "reconfirm", to "check again". It is a polite expression that doesn't have a negative connotation. The first sentence is also a polite way of explaining the problem as you are focusing on you not beeing able to find the address rather than blaming the customer for doing something wrong. You can describe the address as being "wrong" or "incorrect".
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, but the address you gave us seems to be wrong, could you just reconfirm it.

  • I apologize, but the address you provided seems to be incorrect, could you please reconfirm it for me?

If you would like to ask someone to reconfirm an address they gave you because it seems to be incorrect, you can say something like "I'm sorry, but the address you gave us seems to be wrong, could you just reconfirm it." or "I apologize, but the address you provided seems to be incorrect, could you please reconfirm it for me?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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