世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/28 12:21
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  • What's the address?

  • Could you tell me the address?

Saying "What's the Address" Is the most common way to ask someone for the address of a home, a business, or any other location. If you want to ask a person for their personal address, you might ask them: "What's your address?" Using "could you tell me..." followed by the piece of information that you want to learn is slightly more polite way to ask someone to give you some new information. So, saying "Could you tell me the address" is simply a more polite way to ask someone for the address of any location. This is similar to saying 「住所を教えていただけますか?」
"What's the Address"は、家やビジネス、その他の場所の[住所](を尋ねるのに最も一般的な聞き方です。 [個人](の住所を聞く場合には、"What's your address?"と聞くかもしれません。 "could you tell me..."を使って、その後に知りたい情報を持ってくると、誰かから新しい情報をもらうのに少し丁寧な表現になります。 ですので、"Could you tell me the address"は、単純にどこかの住所を誰かに聞くより丁寧な表現です。これは「住所を[教えていただけますか](」に似ています。
Scott F DMM英語講師
  • What is the exact address?

  • Could you please give me your address?

  • So, where exactly are you located?

"Could you please give me your address?" is a polite way to ask someone for an address that you need.
"Could you please give me your address?" 住所を[教えてくれませんか]( これは誰かに住所を尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Can you give me the address where I will be staying when I travel abroad.

  • Can you give me your address please.

  • What is your address? I need it for my immigration card.

▪ Can you give me the address where I will be staying when I travel abroad. This sentence can be used when you speak to someone who is arranging your travelling. ▪ Can you give me your address please. This sentence can be used when you speak to your friend that you will be visiting abroad. ▪ What is your address? I need it for my immigration card. This sentence can be used when you speak to your friend that you will be visiting abroad.
"Can you give me the address where I will be staying when I travel abroad?" (私が外国を旅行する際に私が泊まることになっている住所を教えてくれますか?) この文章は、あなたの旅行を手配している相手に対して使えます。 "Can you give me your address please." (あなたの住所を教えてくれますか。) この文章は、あなたが外国で会うことになっている友達に対して使えます。 "What is your address? I need it for my immigration card." (あなたの住所は何?入国カードに住所が必要なんだ。) この文章も、あなたが外国で会うことになっている友達に対して使えます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you give me the full address please

  • What's your address?

  • Please let me have your address and postcode

There is a variety of ways to ask someone for their address. If you need to know an address so as to mail something to someone, you would typically ask for the full address, which would naturally include the postcode. If you are familiar with an area, you may just informally ask for the address as in the second example. As many people use a smartphone navigator these days, the critical information is the postcode.
住所を聞くのに様々な方法があります。 誰かに何かを送るのに住所が必要ならば、 一般的に、すべての住所、つまり郵便番号を含んだ全ての住所をききます。 もし、その地域に親しいのであれば、 ただ2番目の例文のようにカジュアルに 住所をきくと良いでしょう。 たくさんの人がスマートフォンのナビを使っているので 郵便番号が重要な情報でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May i please have the address of where i will be staying when i travel abroad

  • Where will i be staying in Canada? I need the exact location.

*May i please have the address of where i will be staying when i travel abroad. An address is a place where a house/building/company is situated. A: Where do stay now? B: At 245 Wesley Drive, Lancaster, California. *Where will i be staying in Canada? I need the exact location. Example Sentences: Please send me your location. I will be staying at 223 Claire St. in Claremont.
“May I please have the address of where I will be staying when I travel abroad?” (私が旅行に行くとき、どこに滞在する予定か教えていただけませんか?) "An address"とは家、建物、会社がある場所のことです。 A: "Where do you stay now?" (今どこに滞在しているのですか?) B: "At 245 Wesley Drive, Lancaster, California." (カリフォルニア州、ランカスター、ウェスリードライブ245です。) "Where will I be staying in Canada? I need the exact location." (カナダでどこに滞在する予定ですか?正確な場所が必要です。) 例文 “Please send me your location.” (あなたの位置情報を送ってください。) “I will be staying at 223 Claire St. in Claremont.” (クラレモント、クレア通り223に滞在する予定です。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What is your address?

  • What is the address of the place I will be staying?

If the address you want is the address of the person you are talking to you can simply ask "What is your address?" If you need to find out the address of somewhere from your travel agent or tour organiser, you can ask "what is the address of the place I will be staying?"
話している相手の「address (住所)」が知りたいなら、シンプルに: "What is your address?" (住所を教えてください) と聞けます。 旅行代理店の人やツアーコンダクターにどこかの住所を尋ねるなら: "What is the address of the place I will be staying?" (泊まるところの住所を教えてください) と言えます。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • What is the address?

  • What is your address?

  • Please can you tell me your address?

"What is the address?" This is normally used when asking somewhere like a hotel or bed and breakfast for there address. "What is your address?" This is normally used when you are asking a person for their address. "Please, can you tell me your address?" This is a polite way of asking someone for their address.
【例】 "What is the address?" (住所は何ですか?) これは普通、ホテルや民宿などの住所を尋ねる時に使われます。 "What is your address?" (あなたの住所は何ですか?) これは誰かに住所を尋ねる時に使われます。 "Please, can you tell me your address?" (すみません、住所を教えて頂けませんか?) これは丁寧な表現で住所を尋ねるときに使われます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
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