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2018/07/15 13:34
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  • Stargazing

In both colloquial and written English, the term referring to deliberate looking at the stars (regardless of whether this is done with the aid of a telescope or not) is stargazing. A person who does the looking is called a stargazer. Alternatively, it is also common to describe the act of stargazing using common verbs like watching, looking, or observing. He loves watching the stars. Stargazing is becoming popular these days.
([望遠鏡](を使う使わないにかかわらず)星を観察することは「stargazing」といいます。これは書き言葉でも話し言葉でも使われます。星を観察する人のことは「stargazer」といいます。 「star」は「[星](」、「gaze」は「眺める」のような意味になります。 また、「watching(見る)」「looking(見る)」「observing(観察する)」などの一般的な動詞を使って表されることも多いです。 He loves watching the stars. (彼は天体観測が大好きです。) Stargazing is becoming popular these days. (天体観測は最近人気です。)
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • Stargazing

  • Watching the stars

  • astronomical observation

The act of watching stars is usually referred to as "stargazing", "watching the stars" or "astronomical observation". You can use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -Scientists are interested in astronomical observations because they want to understand how the universe works. -I like stargazing whenever I am out of the city. -My girlfriend and I were watching the stars last night.
天体観測は一般的に、"stargazing"や"watching the stars"、"astronomical observation"と表されます。 これらを文章に使うと次のようになります: 【例文】 -Scientists are interested in astronomical observations because they want to understand how the universe works. [訳][科学者](は[宇宙](の仕組みを理解したいので、天体観測に興味があります -I like stargazing whenever I am out of the city. [訳]街を出るといつも天体観測を楽しみます -My girlfriend and I were watching the stars last night. [訳]ゆうべは彼女と星を眺めていました
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I like to go stargazing on a clear night.

  • I enjoy watching the stars at the local planetarium by climbing the tower to use their telescope.

Stargazing is a word that explains exactly what one is doing: gazing, or looking with attention, at the stars in the night sky. I might also say, "looking at the stars" either with or without a telescope. Stargazing is something that people did before telescopes existed, whereas looking at the stars tends to make me think of telescopes and planetariums.
"stargazing"はそのままの意味です。つまり、"stars"(星)を"gazing"(じっと見る)。 また、"looking at the stars"(星を見る)とも言えると思います。望遠鏡を使っても使わなくても、です。 "stargazing"は、望遠鏡が存在する前に人々がしていたことです。一方、"looking at the stars"には、個人的には望遠鏡やプラネタリウムのイメージがあります。
Amy H English teacher
  • Stargazing

  • Watching the stars

Even though we are looking at more than stars, we call it "stargazing" or "watching the stars". A place you go "to stargaze" or "to watch the stars" is called an observatory. But you can stargaze anywhere that you can see the night sky!
星だけを見るわけでなくても、 "stargazing" や"watching the stars"と言います。天体観測をしに行く場所を、observatoryと言います。しかし、夜空が見えるところではどこでも星を眺めることができます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to go stargazing this summer.

  • I plan on observing the stars this summer.

  • Stargazing is perfect on summer evenings, I can't wait for summer.

In English, we refer to watching the stars as stargazing, astronomical observations or simply observing the stars. You may choose to sound more poetic and say the following. In summer the night skies are beautiful. I love observing the heavens. I love stargazing on warm summer evenings. Stargazing is perfect on summer evenings, I can't wait for summer.
英語では、星を見ることを、stargazing, astronomical observations やシンプルにobserving the starsと言います。 より詩的に聞こえるように言ってもいいかもしれません。以下が例です。  In summer the night skies are beautiful. I love observing the heavens. 夏の夜空は美しい。天を見るのが大好きだ。 I love stargazing on warm summer evenings. 夏の暑い夜に星を眺めるのが大好きです。 Stargazing is perfect on summer evenings, I can't wait for summer. 星を眺めることは、夏の夜にぴったりだ。夏が待ち遠しい。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Looking at the night sky

  • Observing the sky at night

For the average individual, 'Looking at the night sky' is the full extent of our casual interest. However, more serious aficionados who specialise in acquiring knowledge of the nocturnal heavens may use the slightly more formal verb 'to observe'.
普通の人がちょっと関心がある程度なら「Looking at the night sky」で十分です。 しかし、天体の知識を得ることを専門とするより真剣な愛好家たちは、少しフォーマルな「to observe」という動詞を使うかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Observational astronomy

A way in which to say astronomical observation is to use the words that describe it as a hobby; this is observational astronomy. Which means that your interests are in observing the different factors of astronomy (the stars).
趣味としての天体観測を表すなら、「observational astronomy(観測天文学)」と言えます。これは、いろいろな天体を見ることに興味があることを表します。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy looking at the stars in the night sky.

  • Stargazing is one of my most peaceful pastimes.

We generally just say that we like looking into the sky at the starts at night. Stargazing is also a more common way of saying that your like staring at the stars at night as well.
たいていは単に、 "I enjoy looking at the stars in the night sky." (夜、星を眺めるのが好きです) と言います。 「stargazing」も、夜星を眺めるのが好きなことを表すときによく使われます。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
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