I was surprised by the number of content I found on the website.
The website had more information that I expected, I was bewildered.
I was taken aback by the amount of information I came across on the website.
To express that one is surprised by something you may make use of the following words;
taken aback, bewildered or to be amazed by.
Taken aback by something. To be taken aback means to be surprised by something. You may say that you were bewildered or that it wasn't as expected. These expressions all show an element of surprise.
taken aback, bewildered または to be amazed by.
Taken aback by somethingとTo be taken abackは、何かに驚くという意味です。bewildered または it wasn't as expectedということもできます。これらは全て驚きを意味する表現です。
It was a pleasant surprise that there was so much information on the website!
A "pleasant surprise" is a way to say that you were surprised but in a good way. It lets your listener know that you are happy that there was so much information on the website.
I hope that this helps :)
The amount of information cited on the website was overwhelming.
The website had too much information, I got tired just looking at it.
This website has too much to take in.
When we are presented with too much information at one time it can be overwhelming.
We don't usually like to go through huge amounts of work in short spaces of time.
'too much'expresses that it is over and above what was expected.
I was surprised by how much information was on the website
I was overwhelmed by the amount of information on the page
I was shocked by all of the information on the website
The literal translation of this expression is "I was surprised at the overwhelming amount of information." This is a grammatically accurate translation of this sentence. Therefore, you may use it. There are also a number of different ways you could say this expression as well. You could say:
1. I was surprised by how much information was on the website.
2. I was overwhelmed by the amount of information on the page.
3. I was shocked by all of the information on the website.
There are any number of words you could use for this expression such as:
1. taken aback
2. overwhelmed
3. shocked
4. surprised
Likewise, you could use words such as website or web page, or simply page if you wanted to.
There is not just 1 correct way to say this sentence. There are any number of ways you could translate this, and still be both grammatically correct, and sound natural at the same time.
この文を直訳すると、"I was surprised at the overwhelming amount of information." になります。これは文法的に正しい文で、使って問題ありません。これ以外にもいろいろな言い方ができます。
1. I was surprised by how much information was on the website.(このウェブサイトの情報量には驚いた)
2. I was overwhelmed by the amount of information on the page.(このページの情報量には圧倒された)
3. I was shocked by all of the information on the website.(このウェブサイトの情報量には衝撃を受けた)
1. taken aback(ビックリする)
2. overwhelmed(圧倒される)
3. shocked(衝撃を受けた)
4. surprised(ビックリする)
同様に、"website" や "web page" あるいはシンプルに "page" などを使うこともできます。この文の言い方は一つではありません、文法的に正しく自然な訳がいくつもあります。
I was surprised by how much information there was on the website
I was shocked to find out that the website had a lot of information (about dogs)
When you want to express to a person that you were surprised to find a lot of information on a certain website (on a particular subject); then you may express this in the following ways:
-I was surprised by how much information there was on the website
-I was shocked to find out that the website had a lot of information (about dogs)
-I was surprised by how much information there was on the website
-I was shocked to find out that the website had a lot of information (about dogs)