学校は英語で school と言います。
小学校=elementary school(米)/ primary school / grammar school(英)
中学校=middle school / junior high school
高校= high school / senior high school
専門学校= trade school
短期大学= community college
Schools, colleges and Universities are all forms of institutions where children, teenagers and adults can learn and get an education depending on their age.
A twenty year old is more likely to be at university than at a school for example.
「学校」は school と言えます。
I have school tomorrow.
What time do you go to school?
I left school early today.
academy - This is somewhere you go to gain specialized training, like a police academy, military academy, etc.
"I spent 4 years at the military academy in New York."
"Are you thinking about going to the police academy?
"The dance academy just started their 30th year!"
Institute - This is a group of people who hold ideas about the same types of topics. Like in Science, computers, languages, etc. Almost like a club, but much better organized.
"I considered joining the literary institute, but I do not have the time."
"Tom is the founder of the Institute for social studies in Rome."
"I spent 4 years at the military academy in New York."
"Are you thinking about going to the police academy?"
"The dance academy just started their 30th year!"
"I considered joining the literary institute, but I do not have the time"
"Tom is the founder of the Institute of Social Studies in Rome."
You can simply call this place 'school'
If you know the age or grade you can say, "pre/ primary/ elementary/ junior/ high school"
pre (ages 3-5) primary (grade k-3) elementary (grade 4-6) junior (grade 6-8/9) high school (grade 9/10-12)
After grade school you can use "university/college "
I take the subway to school.
When I was in school, I didn't like homework.
I was bullied in school.
My daughter starts school next month.
School is boring.
小学校: elementary school/primary school
中学校: junior high school/secondary school
高校: senior high school/high school
専門学校: vocational college/vocational school
大学: university/college
My mother is a school teacher.
I didn’t like school when I was a child.
What is the name of the school you attend?
If you're not sure of what kind of educational facility it is, you could also call it a 'learning establishment.
"It's some kind of educational facility."
何の教育施設か分からない場合は、learning establishment(教育施設)と言うこともできます。
It's some kind of educational facility.
小学校 - Primary School (4-11)
中学校 - Secondary school (11-16)
高校 - College (16-18)
小学校 - Elementary school
中学校 - Middle school
高校 - High school
小学校 - Elementary school
中学校 - Juniour high school
高校 - High school
専門学校 - Techincal school/college Trade school. , speciality school
When I was in elementary school, I loved going to school but now in high school, I hate it.
1. school
「school 」は大学・幼稚園も含むことがあるが, 通例小・中・高校をさす言葉です。
また、私立学校と公立学校のことを「private school」と「public school」と言います。
▸ 私の学校時代の友達
a school friend of mine
▸ 学校時代に北海道へ行った
I went to Hokkaido in my school days
2. academy
特定分野を教育する学院, 専門学校のことを「academy」と言います。
▸ the Royal Academy of Music
▸ a police academy
また、文学・芸術・科学などの発展を目的とした協会, 学士院, アカデミーのことも「academy」と言います。
例:英国王立美術院 > (Royal Academy (of Arts)
フランス学士院 > (French Academy)