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2018/07/23 21:50
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  • The homework was a piece of cake!

The phrase "piece of cake" means that something is very easy. I hope that this helps :)
「piece of cake」は、非常に簡単という意味です。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The homework set was easier than I expected it to be.

The word 'set' is a more precise way of saying that the teacher gave you homework. Usually when something has been set, like a piece of homework, it implies that it is something we have to do and it has a deadline.
setを使うと、先生が宿題を出したことをより正確に伝えられます。 通常、何か(宿題など)がset(課された)場合、期限(deadline)があってやらなければならないこと、という意味合いになります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The homework was a lot easier than I thought it would be!

  • That homework was super simple!

  • That homework was easier than I expected!

Sometimes we might feel that our homework will be challenging and we have so much we need to do. However, sometimes it can be a very simple project and we don't have much problem with the homework. If we want to explain this, we can use some expressions such as: 1) The homework was a lot easier than I thought it would be! 2) That homework was super simple! 3) That homework was easier than I expected!
時々、宿題が困難で、やらなければならない事が沢山あると思う時があります。 ですが、とても単純なプロジェクトで簡単に終わってしまう宿題もあります。 これを説明したい時は、次の表現を使うことができます。 【例文】 1) The homework was a lot easier than I thought it would be! (思ったより全然簡単な宿題でした!) 2) That homework was super simple! (その宿題はとても単純でした!) 3) That homework was easier than I expected! (想像していたより簡単な宿題でした!)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Homework was a walk in the park

  • Homework was a doddle

If something is a 'doddle' then it is very easy. Similarly, if something is said to be a walk in the park, it is a simple task or operation or process. "Applying for a UK visa is a doddle."
「doddle」は、とても簡単なことを表します。同様に「walk in the park」も、とてもシンプルな仕事、プロセスを表します。 Applying for a UK visa is a doddle. (英国のビザ申請はとても簡単です。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I thought the homework was going to be hard but it was easy.

  • The homework was easier than I thought it would be.

This is a way of saying that you thought the homework was going to be difficult but you were surprised to find out that the homework was actually easy.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • The homework was easier than I expected.

  • That homework was easy peasy!

If homework was easier than you thought it was going to be, you can say "it was easier than I expected." 'Expectation' is the thought or feeling about that something is going to happen, and how it is going to be. You can use it as a comparison. If the homework was more difficult than you thought it was going to be, you can also use 'expected' for that: " The homework was harder than I expected." "Easy peasy!" is a fun way of saying in English that something is/was extremely easy.
宿題が思ったよりも簡単だったら、"It was easier than I expected."(思ったより簡単だった)と言えます。 'Expectation' は、何がどのように起こるかという「予想」を言います。これは比較として使うことができます。宿題が 'Thought'(思った)よりも難しかったなら、それには 'Expected' も使えます。 "The homework was harder than I expected."(宿題は思ったよりも難しかった) "Easy peasy!" は「すごく簡単」の意味の楽しい言い方です。
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • The homework was easier than i thought

  • The homework wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be

  • The homework was easier than i imagined

If something is easy then it is also said to be 'not difficult' or 'wasn't as difficult' if you think about something being a cerain way as well as saying the way you 'thought you can also say 'imagined'
簡単(easy)であることは、'not difficult' あるいは 'wasn't as difficult' でも表せます。 「~と思った」は 'thought' とともに、'imagined' でも表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It was easier than I thought

  • piece of cake

"It was easier than I thought" This expression refers to a task being easier than what was first thought or told. "piece of cake" Is a expression used when something for example a task, is very easy to do/complete.
"It was easier than I thought"(思ったよりも簡単だった) この表現は課題について「思ったよりも簡単だった」と伝えています。 "piece of cake"(とても簡単なこと) は、例えば課題などが非常に簡単なときに使われる表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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