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2018/07/25 22:31
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  • At what age will you buy your child a smartphone?

  • When will you buy your child their first smartphone?

Both of these answers are effectively the same as asking "How old will your child be when you give them their first smartphone?". The first answers being a little more formal than the second answer.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • How old will your child be when you buy them their first smartphone?

"How old will" is another way to ask about someone's age in the future. I hope that this helps :)
"How old will"(あなたは何歳になりますか)と、相手が何歳になるかを未来形で聞くこともできます。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How old will your child be when you give them their first smartphone?

  • When you buy your child their first smartphone, how old will he/she be?

  • How long are you going to wait before you give your child their first smartphone?

As a child gets older, they are a lot more responsible in many different ways. When a child is growing up, parents might give a child a smartphone so they can use it to communicate with them in important situations and emergencies. If you want to ask about the correct age for someone to give their child a smartphone, you may ask some things such as: 1) How old will your child be when you give them their first smartphone? 2) When you buy your child their first smartphone, how old will he/she be? 3) How long are you going to wait before you give your child their first smartphone?
子供が大きくなるにつれて彼らは様々な面においてより責任能力が身に付きます。子供が成長している時、親は重要な状況や緊急時に彼らと連絡を取るために子供にスマートフォンを与えるかもしれません。 子供にスマートフォンを与える正しい年齢について尋ねたい場合は次のような質問をすることができます: 1) How old will your child be when you give them their first smartphone? (あなたは子供が何歳の時に彼らに最初のスマートフォンを与えますか) 2) When you buy your child their first smartphone, how old will he/she be? (あなたは子供が何歳の時に彼/彼女に最初のスマートフォンを買いますか) 3) How long are you going to wait before you give your child their first smartphone? (あなたは自分の子供に最初のスマートフォンを与えるまでどれくらい待ちますか)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • At what age will you give Tommy his first smartphone?

Well, in any reference to someone's child, you should use the child's name (if you know it). When asking a question and you want to know the stage in someone's life that something occurred or will occur, then you can begin the question: "At what age...?"
そうですね。誰かの子どもについて言う場合は、その子の名前(知っているなら)を使いましょう。何かが人の成長のどのステージで起こったか(起こるのか)知りたい場合は、以下のように質問を始めるといいでしょう: "At what age...?" (何歳で・・・?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • At what age would you give your child a smartphone?

"At what age would you give your child a smartphone? " Because you are asking 'At what age...' you don't need to really say 'first' smartphone (it is implied).
例: At what age would you give your child a smartphone? 何歳で子供にスマホを与えますか? 'At what age...'で聞いているので、'first' smartphoneとは言う必要はありません(初めてのという意味は含まれています)。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • When will you let your child have a smartphone?

This question is a little more open-ended than specifically requesting to know about age. For instance, a listener could reply by saying 'Whenever I think they are mature enough.'
これは、具体的に年齢を尋ねるよりも少しオープンな(自由に答えられる)質問です。例えば、相手は 'Whenever I think they are mature enough.'(十分に成熟したと判断したとき)と答えることもできます。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • How old will your child be when you let them have a smartphone?

  • What age do you think is appropriate for a child to have a smartphone?

The two questions you see provided above are great ways to ask a person at what age they will permit their child to have a smartphone. In the first sentence you will notice the word let. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means to allow. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、何歳になったら子どもにスマートフォンを買い与えるか尋ねる素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には "let" という単語が使われています。"let" にはいろいろな意味がありますが、この文では「許可する」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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