Gnawing animals such as rabbits, rats and hamsters, are known as rodents. Rodents are popular pets in many countries - especially small rodents.
"A beaver is a large rodent and may not be kept as a pet!"
A beaver is a large rodent and may not be kept as a pet!
"Small animals." This is the most basic way of addressing smaller animals, and includes cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, etc...
"Small critters." This is another way of calling small animals. Critters refers to creatures that are smaller, especially those that are wild animals, but can also be used to describe domestic animals too.
Pets are animals people keep in their own home rather than being in a zoo or in the wild so you call refer to rabbits or hamsters as 'small animals' or 'small pets'
a rodent is a small animal that gnaws/chews things and has a large set of (incisors) front teeth like rats, squirrels, hamsters etc
"Small Animals" and "Small Pets"
used to describe animals of the smaller size, "Small Pets" used to describe Animals that you own, Pets is a term described animals that you own ex. Rabbits, mice, etc.
ex. "We have many small pets in our family home"
"Small Pets" は人間に飼われている動物に使います。"Pets" はうさぎやネズミなど人間に飼われている動物を指します。
"We have many small pets in our family home"(実家で小さなペットをたくさん飼っています)
そのままsmall animalsと表現します。
ペットであればsmall petsとも言います。
モルモットやハムスターなどをpocket petsということもあるようです。
Hamster is one of the most popular small pets.(ハムスターはもっとも人気のある小動物(ペット)です)
なので、ペットショップで「小動物コーナーってどこですか?」って店員さんに聞きたいときは、"Where are the small pets?"って聞けます。
英語でsmall petsというと、蛇、トカゲなど含まれません。
There is no direct translation from Japanese but when you say small animal, people will generally assume you mean rabbits, bunnies, birds, mice... etc.
Baby animals: can be used to describe animals that are babies which would include all animals or to describe animals that are small. With the latter it is not scientifically or grammatically correct but it is used by people when they talk about small animals.
Hope this helps!