世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/27 11:14
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  • When are we having the next meeting?

  • When is the next meeting happening?

  • When will the next meeting be held?

In a business situation, there may be times where we do not know when they next meeting will be. It is important to ask a coworker or your boss about this so you can be prepared for the next meeting. If you want to ask this, there are a few different ways you can do this: 1) When are we having the next meeting? 2) When is the next meeting happening? 3) When will the next meeting be held?
ビジネスの場では次の会議がいつになるか私たちが知らない時があるかもしれません。次の会議に備えるために同僚か上司にこれについて尋ねることが大切です。 これを尋ねたい場合はいくつかの方法があります。 1) When are we having our next meeting? (私たちはいつ次の会議を行いますか) 2) When is the next meeting happening? (次の会議はいつですか) 3) When will the next meeting be held? (次の会議はいつ行われますか)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • When's the next meeting?

  • Could you tell me when the next meeting is scheduled?

The meeting finished. They are held regularly. You want to enquire when the next one is. Go for it! The second example sentence is more formal.
定期的に開催される会議が終了し、次の会議がいつなのかを聞きたいということですね。がんばってください! 例文②の方がフォーマルな言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When is the next meeting scheduled for?

  • Could you tell me when the next meeting is due to be held?

  • How long is it before our next meeting?

All three questions can be used in the same situation and are interchangeable.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please tell me when the next meeting will be held?

This is a formal and polite way to ask about the next meeting. I hope that this helps! :)
例文は、次のミーティングについて尋ねる丁寧でフォーマルな言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • When is the next meeting booked in for?

When something is 'booked in' we mean that it has been noted down in a diary or electronic booking system. When we 'book' something we are reserving it. So in this instance in a business situation we have reserved a time for the next meeting. Or, 'booked' it in.
何かが"booked in"(予約されている)というのは、予定表や電子ブッキングシステムに記録されているという意味です。"Book"するということは、予約をとると言うことです。この場合のビジネス・シチュエーションでは、次のミーティングの予約を取った、または"booked in"、ということですね。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • When will the next meeting take place?

  • Would you mind telling me when the next meeting will take place?

'When will the next meeting take place?'' :Take place means ''to happen'' or ''occur''. Therefore, a possible response could be: ''The meeting will take place tomorrow.'' ''Would you mind telling me when the next meeting will take place?'' :The word ''would'' is sometimes used to ask questions in a polite way.
'When will the next meeting take place?'' (次の会議はいつですか) : ''Take place'' は ''happen''(起こる)または ''occur''(発生する)という意味です。したがって応答としては、例えば: ''The meeting will take place tomorrow.'’ (その会議は明日行われます) ''Would you mind telling me when the next meeting will take place?''(次の会議がいつか教えていただけますか) : ''would'' は丁寧に質問するときに使われることがあります。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please tell me when our next meeting is?

  • When is our next meeting?

  • Have we set a date for our next meeting?

All three phrases can be asked when you don't know when the next meeting is supposed to be held. They can all be used in a professional and friendly setting although the word "meeting" is more reserved for business meetings. set a date: means decided on a date or scheduled a date on the calendar. Hope this helps!
これら3つのフレーズはすべて次の会議がいつ行われるのかわからない時に使えます。三例ともビジネスでもフレンドリーな場面でも使えますが、“meeting”という言葉はよりビジネス的です。 Set a date:「日にちを決める」という意味です。 ご参考になりますように!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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