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外国の方に英語で自己紹介をする時に 『私の名前は藍(あい)です。』と言うと、 主語の『I』と音が似てるため たまに不思議な顔をされるので、 『Aiって名前なんです。ややこしくてすみません^^;』と説明したいです。 何て説明すれば分かりやすいでしょうか?
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2018/08/03 16:20
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  • My name is "Ai".

  • It's spelled "A" + "I", 2 letters...

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか。 My name is "Ai". It's spelled "A" + "I", so it's 2 letters... 私の名前は、「アーイ」です。つまり、AプラスIと書くんです、二つの文字で。。。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Hello, my name is "Ai"and sounds like "I".

  • Hi my name is Ai but you can call me I.

  • Hello, my name is Ai and I didn't lie.

Hello, my name is "Ai"and sounds like "I". Making a little rhyme with your name sounds casual and is easily understood. When you have an unusual name you want to put others at ease by a light-hearted response that they will immediately understand. Hi my name is Ai but you can call me I. Hello, my name is Ai and I didn't lie. My name is Ai and it rhymes with sigh. In a formal setting you may try the following. In the southern USA everyone puts "Mr." or "Ms." or "Miss" with first names such as "Miss Bobbi, Mr. Ron" so it is understood if you used this. Hello, my name is Mr. Ai and I am pleased to meet you.
Hello, my name is "Ai"and sounds like "I". (こんにちは、私の名前はアイです。"I"のように発音します。) 自分の名前の韻を踏んで教えると、カジュアルに簡単に覚えてもらえます。 かわった名前を持っているなら、愉快に答えて相手をほっとさせるとすぐに覚えてもらえるでしょう。   Hi my name is Ai but you can call me I. (こんんいちは。私の名前はアイですが、Iと呼んでください。) Hello, my name is Ai and I didn't lie. (こんにちは、私の名前はアイで、嘘はつきません。) My name is Ai and it rhymes with sigh. (私の名前はアイで、sigh(溜息)のように韻を踏みます。) かしこまった場では以下のように行ってみるといいでしょう。南アメリカでは、"Miss Bobbi, Mr. Ron" のように "Mr."や "Ms."、 "Miss"を下の名前の前に付けます。  Hello, my name is Mr. Ai and I am pleased to meet you. (こんにちは、私の名前はアイです。お会いできて光栄です。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • My name is Ai. It's spelled "Ai" and sounds like the English letter "I"

  • My name is "Ai". It's pronounced like the English letter "I"

  • I am "Ai". My name is "Ai", which is spelled "Ai" and sounds like the English letter "I".

When you want to explain how your name is pronounced and is spelled, then you can say the following to avoid confusion: -My name is Ai. It's spelled "Ai" and sounds like the English letter "I" -My name is "Ai". It's pronounced like the English letter "I" -I am "Ai". My name is "Ai", which is spelled "Ai" and sounds like the English letter "I".
自分の名前の発音とスペルを説明したいとき、わかりやすく以下のように言えます: My name is Ai. It's spelled "Ai" and sounds like the English letter "I". My name is "Ai". It's pronounced like the English letter "I". I am "Ai". My name is "Ai", which is spelled "Ai" and sounds like the English letter "I". (私の名前は藍です。スペルは「Ai」で、英語の文字「I」のように発音します。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My name is 'Ai' - pronunced 'I' and spelt 'A' 'I'.

  • My name's Ai.

You could be perfectly clear and state how your name is both pronounced and spelt, although that is a little cumbersome for an initial introduction.. People from the UK will have no problems with the pronunciation of 'Ai' and probably, in the UK, further explanation is uneccessary and a normal introduction would be quite adequate.
はっきりと明確にあなたの名前をどのように発音するか、 どのようにスペルするか述べることが出来ます、最初の自己紹介では少し煩わしいかもしれませんが… イギリス出身の人には 'Ai'と発音することは何の問題もないかもしれません。 イギリスでは、それ以上の詳細な説明は必要ないでしょう、普通の自己紹介で十分です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Ai is my name and it is pronounced the same way as the English pronoun I.

  • I am Ai, a Japanese name which means love in English and it's pronounced exactly the same as the pronoun I.

  • Please call me Ai, spelt A, i. It's a Japanese name meaning love in English and pronounced the same way as the pronoun I.

Everyone has a name by which he/she is known or called. Usually, there is absolutely no need to explain the meaning of one's name unless there is a pronunciation similarity with another word in English. In this case, the Japanese name 'Ai', which means love in English is pronounced the same way as the English pronoun 'I' which is used as a subject for the first person. So, if you are introducing yourself to someone, you may say: Ai is my name and it is pronounced the same way as the English pronoun I. or I am Ai, a Japanese name which means love in English and it's pronounced exactly the same as the pronoun I. or Please call me Ai, spelt A, i. It's a Japanese name meaning love in English and pronounced the same way as the pronoun I.
人には呼び名があるものです。たいていの場合、英語でよく似た発音の言葉がある以外は、名前の意味を説明する必要はないでしょう。 この場合、「あい」という日本語の名前、英語ではlove(愛)を意味しますが、これが英語の 'I' (私は)と同じ発音ということです。 ですので、自己紹介をするときは以下のように言うことができます。  Ai is my name and it is pronounced the same way as the English pronoun I. (あいは、私の名前ですが、英語のIと同じ発音です。)   I am Ai, a Japanese name which means love in English and it's pronounced exactly the same as the pronoun I.  (私は愛です。英語で愛を意味する日本の名前で、英語のIと同じ発音です。) Please call me Ai, spelt A, i. It's a Japanese name meaning love in English and pronounced the same way as the pronoun I. (あいと呼んでください。A, Iと綴ります。英語で愛を意味する日本の名前で、Iと同じ発音です。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Hello my name is Ai.

  • Hey my name is Ai, pronounced the same way as eye (point to your eye)

  • My name is Ai, It's Japanese and spelt Ai.

Sometimes you may not need to explain the pronunciation depending on the country you are in and their usual pronunciation of names. In Britain and Australia for example simply introducing yourself as Ai, may not be too difficult. Other times making light of peoples misunderstanding is a constructive way to lighten the mood. When you introduce yourself you could say, Ai - "Hello, my name is Ai." Me - Nice to meet you Ai - have I pronounced your name correctly? Ai - "Yes, just like saying eye" (and point to your eye) Alternatively you can spell it for them - Hi my name is Ai, A.I.
あなたがいる国や、いつもの名前の呼び方によっては、発音を説明する必要はないかもしれません。 イギリスやオーストラリアでは、例えばシンプルにAiと紹介すればあ、そこまで難しくないでしょう。 以下のように自己紹介することができます。  Ai - "Hello, my name is Ai." あい:こんにちは。私の名前はあいです。 Me - Nice to meet you Ai - have I pronounced your name correctly? 私:はじめまして、あい。名前の発音合ってる? Ai - "Yes, just like saying eye" (and point to your eye) あい:はい、eye(目を指して)のように発音します。   また、名前のスペルを教えることもできます。 Hi my name is Ai, A.I. (私の名前はあいです。A, Iと書きます。)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • My name is Ai, which is pronounced I and spelled 'A' 'I'.

  • I'm Ai, which I realise is pronounced the same as I in English

My name is Ai, which is pronounced I. This response immediately explains how your name is pronounced and spelled after you have introduced yourself, which should reduce any confusion. I'm Ai, which I realise is pronounced the same as 'I' in English. This response shows that you are aware of any possible confusion and makes it as clear as possible for English speakers.
My name is Ai, which is pronounced I. (私の名前はあいです。Iのように発音します。) これは、あなたの名前をどのように発音し、綴るのかがすぐに伝わり、混乱を避けることができるでしょう。 I'm Ai, which I realise is pronounced the same as 'I' in English. (私はあいです。英語のIと同じ発音です。) これは、英語話者にとって混乱することなくできるだけクリアに説明するフレーズです。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
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