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未来の事ですが、~だったのに~になった 未来完了形みたいな感じですか?
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2018/08/12 20:30
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  • Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off, but I will have to go to work.

「明日は休みだったのに出勤になってしまいました。」は英語ではこのようです。 Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off, but I will have to go to work. 「休みの日」は英語では day off と言います。休日です。 「出勤する」→ to go to work 例えば Don't you usually have the day off on the weekends? 普段は週末には休みでしょう? Yes, I usually do, but I have to go to work tomorrow... 普段はそうですけど、明日は仕事に行かなければならない。 ご参考までに。
  • 1. My anticipation of a day off tomorrow has been suddenly shattered

  • 2. It seems that my scheduled day off is something which may be cancelled at a moment's notice

  • 3. 1. I had a day off - and now I don't! Shit!

1. You explain that you were looking forward to a day off, but someone (presumably your boss) has insisted that you work instead. 2. Sarcasm is an intrinsic part of the British psyche - you actually feel quite angry about your day off being cancelled. Actually in the UK, employment law respects employees' working hours and anyone may easily refuse to do hours above their basic contracted hours. 3. This is an informal and spontaneous reaction to having a day off cancelled.
1. 休日を期待していたが、だれか(たぶんあなたの上司)に働くように言われたと伝えています。 2. 皮肉は英国人の一部です。あなたは休日がキャンセルされたことについて怒りを感じています。実際、英国の雇用法は被雇用者の労働時間を重視しており、契約した以上の時間働くことは簡単に拒否できます。 3.これは、休日がキャンセルされたことへのインフォーマルで自然な反応です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was supposed to be off tomorrow, but now I'm working

  • It was supposed to be my day off tomorrow, but I have to go to work now

If you were meant to do something then you can also say you were 'supposed' to do it if you are describing soing to work then you can simply say 'I'm working' as well as 'I have to go to work'
何かをするはずだったことは、'I was supposed to' で表せます。 「出勤する」は、'I have to go to work'(出勤しないといけなくなった)の他に、シンプルに 'I'm working'(仕事になった)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I was supposed to have the day off from work tomorrow, but now they want me to come in.

"I was supposed to have the day off from work tomorrow, but now they want me to come in." Supposed means "going to" in this sentence. Have a day off means not have to work. Come in means to go to work in this sentence.
"I was supposed to have the day off from work tomorrow, but now they want me to come in." (明日は休みのはずでしたが出勤して欲しいと言われました) "supposed"(~のはずだった)はこの文では "going to" の意味です。 "have a day off" は仕事を休むことを言います。 "come in" はこの文では「出勤する」の意味です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • It was suppose to be my day off tomorrow but not anymore!

"It was supposed to be my day off tomorrow but not anymore! " This a very straight forward expression. Most people will not be happy to lose a day off so in this expression even though you are being formal you are also showing some emotion by adding "but not anymore" by adding this you are letting the person you are talking to know that you no longer have a day off!
"It was supposed to be my day off tomorrow but not anymore!"(明日は休みのはずだったのに仕事に行かないといけなくなった) 非常に単刀直入な言い方です。休日がなくなってうれしい人はなかなかいませんね。これはフォーマルな言い方ですが、同時に "but not anymore" を加えて、感情も表しています。 "but not anymore" を加えることで、休日がなくなってしまったことを表しています。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I thought I had the day off but unfortunately I have to work.

  • Tomorrow I was meant to have a day off work but now I will have to go

"the day off" is a term used mainly describing a work situation, to not go into work or other activity. using present tense "I have" opposed to the past tense of "I had"
"the day off" は主に仕事について使われます、仕事などに行かないことを表します。 現在時制では "I have"、過去時制では "I had" となります。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Instead of having the day off tomorrow, I have now got to go to work.

  • My day off work has been cancelled.

  • I need to go into work tomorrow now, so I won't have the day off.

These three answers are the same as saying "I was supposed to have the day off tomorrow, but now I will have to go to work." You can use any of these answers when for example, talking to a friend who you may have made plans with and you need to cancel those plans because you have work.
上記例文は3つとも、"I was supposed to have the day off tomorrow, but now I will have to go to work."(翌日休暇をとる予定だったけれど、仕事に行かなくてはならなくなった)という意味です。 例えば、会う約束をしていた友達に、仕事が入ってしまったため、キャンセルしなくてはならなくなったことを話すときなど、どの例文も使えます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I had booked tomorrow off as annual leave, but now I am being forced to go in

  • Tomorrow was meant to be my day off

Annual leave is a number of days per year which employees can use to have time off work on specific dates.
"Annual leave" は毎年従業員に一定の日数与えられる休暇日をいいます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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