世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/14 17:11
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  • Age does not matter

  • Age is not important

  • Age is just a number

If you want to do something like going back to school then it is more important you do what you want to than worrying about your age a common phrase to express this is 'age is just a number' meaning it doesn't or shouldn't stop you doing something you really want to
学校に再び通うなど何か挑戦してみたいことがあるなら、年齢なんて気にせず自分のやりたいことをすることが大切ですね。 これについて表す一般的なフレーズが 'age is just a number'(年齢はただの数字)です。何かをするときに年齢は関係ないという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Age doesn't matter when it comes to love.

  • When it comes to learning age is not the most important thing.

Age doesn't matter when it comes to love. 「恋愛に年は関係ない。」 Age doesn't matter で「年は関係ない」 When it comes to learning age is not the most important thing. 「学問に関して言うと、年はもっとも重要なことではない。」 when it comes to で「〜に関して言うと」 age is not the most important thing 「年は最重要ではない」=「年は関係ない」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Age is just a number

  • Age has no limits

  • Age doesn't matter

"Age is just a number" is a phrase that is often used when someone believes they are too old to do or start something i.e sports or relationships. "no limits" limits is referred too anything imaginable, this is another phrase used in the same context as "Age is just a number" "Age doesn't matter" 'doesn't matter' means that there is nothing to be concerned about.
"Age is just a number"(年齢はただの数字)は、物事(スポーツや恋愛など)を始めるには年を取り過ぎていると考えている人に向かってよく言われます。 "no limits"(制限はない) "limits" は想像しうるあらゆるものを指します。このフレーズは "Age is just a number" と同じ文脈で使われます。 "Age doesn't matter"(年齢は重要ではない) 'doesn't matter' は「気にすることはない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Age is just a number

If you want to say that age does not matter when talking about school or relationships, then you can try the above suggestion.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Age doesn't matter to me.

  • Age isn't the most important thing to me.

  • Don't worry about age.

The phrase "doesn't matter" means not important. It's used to reassure or comfort someone you are addressing so that the person doesn't worry and forgets about the matter (1). You can also state more directly that age is not important to you (2) or that the person you are talking to shouldn't worry about age (3).
"doesn't matter" は「重要でない」の意味です。その事柄について相手に思い悩んで欲しくないときに、安心させたり慰める目的で用いられます(例1)。 より直接的に「年齢は私にとっては重要ではない」(例2)や、「年齢なんて気にしないで」(例3)などと伝えることもできます。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • Age is nothing but a number

  • Age doesn't mean anything

  • Age is just a number

We use these expressions to state that a person's age has little to do with a specific situation. Age is overrated and that there are other more important things. The age of a person will express maturity and a few other factors but there is no strict rule, not everyone who is of mature age will actually be mature.
これらの表現は、ある状況において年齢が重要な意味を持たないときに使われます。年齢が過大評価されていて、他にもっと大切なことがあるときです。 年齢はその人の成熟度などを表しますが、必ずしも心の年齢と実際の年齢が一致するわけではありません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • When it comes to learning, age is just a number.

  • You are never too old to learn.

  • If you have truly found love, then age is just a number.

The above are examples of statements you could use in various situations, such as learning, a relationship or even doing something you love. "Age is just a number" is a very common phrase, used when telling someone that it is never too late for them to pursue something such as a diploma or dream.
上記は、学習や恋愛、好きなことなどさまざまなことについて使うことのできる表現です。 "Age is just a number" は、資格や夢など目標に向かって努力するのに遅すぎるということはないと伝えるときによく使われるフレーズです。
Lizzy S DMM英会話講師
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