世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/07 10:38
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  • What's up?

  • Did you need me?

一文目はおなじみの”What's up?”ですね。この表現は軽い挨拶にも使えますが「[どうしたの?](」と言いたい場合にも使えます。こちらはかなりカジュアルなので使う相手には注意しましょう。 二文目は言い方によって「[なにかご入用ですか?](」か「何か用?」ともとれる表現です。少しけんか腰になりたい場合は”Did you need me?”を強く言ってみましょう。
  • ① I heard you asked for me, what's up?

  • ② You asked for me? Can I help you?

「なんか用?」ってちょっと挑戦的に聞こえるので、そのニュアンスを伝えるなら: 「② You asked for me? Can I help you?」=「俺のこと呼んだと聞いたんだけど?[何でしょうか](」。この場合「なんでしょうか」は皮肉って言います。 もうちょっと平たい言い方だと:「① I heard you asked for me, what's up?」があります。これはカジュアルな会話に適しています。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • 1. Were you looking for me?

  • 2. I heard you were looking for me.

1.私のことを探していましたか? 2. 私のことを探していたと聞きました。 「なにか用?」という訳とは違いますが、シチュエーション的にはこういう言い方もあるかと思います。 I heard you were looking for me. Is there anything I can do for you ? 私のことを探していると聞いたのですが何かご入用ですか? こんな感じに続けて言うと自然に聞こえますね!
  • Were you looking for me?

  • What's up?

無難で幅広く使うならwere you looking for me?ですね。 カジュアルに言いたい場合はwhat's up?が多いです。
  • What do you want?

状況によっては、What do you want?「何の用だ?(何が望みだ?)」も使うことができます。 これは自分のことを呼ぶ相手に何か面倒くさいことを頼まれそうな場合であったり、 何度も呼ばれていい加減うんざりしている場合であったり、 要するに自分が呼ばれたことをあまり快く思っていない状況でよく用いられます。 仕事に疲れて帰宅した父親がリビングでのんびりしていて、そこに子ども部屋から Dad!「パパ!」と呼ぶ声が。。 きっと子どもにまた何か面倒なお願いをされるに違いない。自分は疲れてくたくたでゆっくりしたいのに。。 そんなとき、うんざりした様子でしかめっ面で、ため息の一つも吐きながら What do you want? と応答している様子は一般家庭においても頻繁に見受けられます。 同じ返答でも、状況や人間関係によっていろいろな返しができるということですね。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Hi (name) , you called for me?/ you were looking for me?

  • Hi (name), What's going on?

A simple "Hey, you were looking for me?" will work in a casual situation with familiar people but if you just change the "Hey" to "Hi+the person's name" it will sound more respectful. The changes from casual to polite are very subtle in the english language so be very careful. "You called for me?" can be also used in both casual and polite ocassions. As with "What's going on?" , this is a pretty casual expression and has a feeling of concern as if saying "What's wrong?" Maybe you heard your mom was looking for you and that makes you worried so when you find your mom you'd say "Hey mom, what's going on?" or mix it with the other phrases: "Hey mom, you were looking for me? What's going on?"
単純に "Hey, you were looking for me? 家族など親しい間からであればこれで大丈夫です。 Heyを "Hi+the person's name"にすれば、より敬意を感じられる表現になります。これでカジュアルからフォーマルな場面で使える表現になります。 "You called for me?" これはカジュアルでもフォーマルな場でも使えrます。 "What's going on?" はかなりカジュアルな表現になりますが、What's wrong?といった心配を表す表現にもなりうるので、注意してください。 おそらく、母親が自分を探していると聞いて、心配や不安になったのなら、このように言えますね。 "Hey mom, what's going on?" または他のフレーズと合わせても良いでしょう。 "Hey mom, you were looking for me? What's going on?" ねえ、お母さん。私を探してたの?どうかしたの?
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • What can I do for you?

どうしたの? 何かできることある? How can I help you?と似た表現です。 こういういい方も可能です。
  • You wanted to speak with me?

  • Bob told me that you need to see me, what's up?

  • Hey, did you need something from me?

You wanted to speak with me?' and 'Hey, did you need something from me?' are both good ways to say this. Bob told me that you need me, what's up? - 'Bob' can be replaced with any name. Use this if you want to say you the person that told you the other person was looking for you is.
"You wanted to speak with me?' (あなたは私と何か話したいのですか?) "'Hey, did you need something from me?" (やあ、何か私が必要なことがあるのですか?) 上記2つはどちらも良い言い方です。 "Bob told me that you need me, what's up? " (ボブからあなたが私を必要としていると聞いたのですが、何ですか?) 「Bob」は他の名前に代えることができます。 誰かが探していたということを伝えたい相手の名前を入れてください。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Are you looking for me?

  • I understand you wanted me?

  • Hi, you were asking for me. Can I help you?

Any one of these expressions should be adequate for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How can I help?

  • You called?

Fun way of telling are person they were looking for you.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Did you need something?

  • Hi, what is it?

Hi, what is it? and Did you need something? are both casual ways to ask what do you want. You could use these questions with your family, friends or at work.
what is it? Did you need something? は両方とも、何が欲しいのか尋ねるカジュアルな言い方です。 こういった質問は家族や友達などに対して使うことができるでしょう。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you want me?

  • Were you looking for me?

  • Sorry you missed me, is everything ok?

Depending on who you are speaking to depends on your expression. If it is a friend "did you want me?" is perfectly fine however you would not say this in a more formal setting. "Sorry you missed me, is everything ok?" is more formal as well as "Sorry you missed me, how can I help you?
相手が誰なのかによって表現の仕方が変わります。 友達に言うなら、"Did you want me?" で全く問題ありませんが、改まった場面では別の言い方をします。 "Sorry you missed me, is everything ok?" や "Sorry you missed me, how can I help you?" はよりフォーマルです。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • I believe you were looking for me?

  • Did you need me for something?

  • Looking for me?

The first two options would be used in a more formal setting while "Looking for me?" is rather casual.
最初の2つの選択肢は、より形式的な表現として使われます。 一方「Looking for me?」はより気軽な表現です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • A) Anna told me you were looking for me , everything ok?

  • B) What's up ? heard you were looking for me.

Any one of these expressions should be suitable for this situation. I hope this helps Fumiya :-)
いずれの例文も質問者様の言う状況で使うことができます。 Fumiyaさんのお役に立てば幸いです:-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Were you looking for me?

  • You needed me?

  • You needed something?

The polite way is to simply reaffirm that they were looking for you. You can start with that question "Were you looking for me?". That asks the person if they were looking for you. If you are fairly sure they were looking for you than you can be more direct. "You needed me?" or "you needed something" gets more to the point and they should start explaining quickly what they needed you for.
丁寧な表現は、自分のことを探していたか確認することです。 "Were you looking for me?"(私のこと探していた?)という質問ではじめるといいでしょう。これは相手が自分のこと探していたか聞く表現です。 もし、相手があなたのことを探しているのが確実なら、もっとダイレクトに、何か用?という意味の"You needed me?" や"you needed something"を使うことで、ポイントをおさえ、何の用なのかを素早く説明してくれるでしょう。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • I was told that you needed me for something?

  • did you want to speak with me?

  • you need me?

speaking formally you could say either "I was told that you needed me for something?" or "did you want to speak with me?" or if you want to be more casual you could say "you need me?"
フォーマルな場面なら、 "I was told that you needed me for something?"(私に何か用があると聞きましたが) または "did you want to speak with me?"(私に何か用がありましたか) と言えます。 "you need me?"(何か用ですか)はよりカジュアルな言い方です。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • I was told you are looking for me?

  • Did you asked for me?

  • How can I help you? I heard you were looking for me.

When someone is looking for you they could ask others that they know frequently communicate with you in an attempt to find you. When you are told that someone is looking for you, you can find the person looking for you and ask them any of the above questions. How can I help you? Asks the person if they need your help or assistance with something. Did you ask for me? Asks if you were called by the person. "Hi John, Sue tells me you were looking for me, how can I help you?" "Hi John, I heard you were looking for me, is it about your appointment later today?"
誰かを探しているときは、その人とよく話す人に尋ねるといいでしょう。誰かがあなたを探していると言われたら、これらの例を使って探してみるといでしょう。   How can I help you?(どうしましたか?)は、相手に手伝いが必要がどうかを聞く質問です。   Did you ask for me?(何か用ですか?)は、その人に自分のことを呼んだかどうか聞く質問です。   "Hi John, Sue tells me you were looking for me, how can I help you?" (やぁジョン、スーがあなたが私のこと探していたって言ってたんだけど。何か用ですか?) "Hi John, I heard you were looking for me, is it about your appointment later today?" (やぁジョン、私のこと探していたって聞いたけど、今日後での約束のことかな?)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, what's up?

  • Were you looking for me?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Hey, what's up? やあ、どうした? Were you looking for me? 私のこと探してた? look for me は「私のことを探す」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I've been told you was looking for me, Is everything ok?.

This would be a simple way of telling the person you was told they was looking for you and asking is everything ok.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • How can I help?

  • Who is looking for me?

  • Why do you want me?

If you say: How can I help? This is a polite way of asking why the person wants to find you. If you say: Who is looking for me? or Why do you want me? This is a more assertive way of asking the questions.
"How can I help?"(ご用件は何ですか)は、自分に何の用があるのかを尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 "Who is looking for me?"(私に用がある人は?)または "Why do you want me?"(私に何の用ですか?)は、より語気の強い言い方です。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • What's up?

  • What did you need?

"What's up?" Is a casual and commonly used phrase, this is used when you'd ask someone 'whats wrong','what did you want/need'. "What did you need?" Is more of a direct question, implying that you, yourself were needed for something.
"What's up?"(何か用?)は、相手にどうしたのか、何が必要なのかを聞くときに使われるとてもカジュアルなフレーズです。   "What did you need?"(何かあった?)は、より直接的な質問で、あなた自身が何か必要だったかを聞く質問です。  
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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