I look forward to seeing you again.
Would you be interested in a second date?
Would you be interested in meeting again?
Let's do this again sometime.
I had a great time. Would you like to do this again sometime?
I look forward to seeing you again.(またお会いするのを楽しみにしています)
Would you be interested in a second date?(また会いませんか)
Would you be interested in meeting again?(また会いませんか)
Let's do this again sometime.(またこういうのやりましょうよ)
I had a great time. Would you like to do this again sometime?(すごく楽しかったです、またこういうのやりませんか)
"I can't wait to see you again."
If this person is a good friend/ significant other you don't have to say, "I would like" because you are probably going to see a friend or significant other again. To show excitement you can say, "I can't wait to see you again"
"I can't wait to see you again." (あなたに会うのが待ち遠しい!)
IF you really want to do something then you can say 'I would love to' if you are really looking forward to something then you would say 'I can't wait to'
A simple term is 'let's meet up again!'
何かをすごくしたいなら、'I would love to'(~したい)と言えます。
何かをすごく楽しみにしているなら、'I can't wait to'(~を待てない)と言えます。
シンプルに、'let's meet up again!'(また会いましょう)と言うこともできます。
To a very good friend or a significant other, you want to say something like "I want to meet/see you again".
it depends rather on what you want and how close your relationship is. It seems a silly thing to say this to a close friend or significant other. Of course you want to see such people again! Better just to plan to meet at a specific time and place somewhere.
"We should meet again soon!"
This is something you could say to a friend, but that could also be said to a business partner.
"I cannot wait to see you again!"
This shows excitement at the idea of seeing your friend, significate other, etc. again. It is something you are eager to do.
You could also say,
"Let's meet again when we can!"
Here you are suggesting that you and your friend plan a time to meet in the future.
"We should meet again soon!"
"I cannot wait to see you again!"
"Let's meet again when we can!"
DMM英会話講師プロフィール (エイミー)
When can I see you again?
Can we get together again soon?
I want to see you again soon. OK?
If you ask the question like these then you can get an immediate date to get together again.
Otherwise you can say it like this:
Will I get to see you again?
I hope we can get together again soon.
I would love to see you again soon.
I look forward to seeing you again soon.
When can I see you again?(次はいつ会える)
Can we get together again soon?(またすぐに会えるかな)
I want to see you again soon. OK?(またすぐに会えるかな)
Will I get to see you again?(また会えますか)
I hope we can get together again soon.(またすぐに会いたいです)
I would love to see you again soon.(またすぐに会いたいです)
I look forward to seeing you again soon.(またすぐに会いたいです)
When we are with friends or even a business meeting, we 'arrange' to meet someone. This is the same as plan or agree to meet.
If you are 'looking forward' to something it means that you are excited and possibly planning when you will see your friend again.
友達といるときやビジネスのミーティングでは、誰かに会うことを 'arrange'と言います。これは予定を立てる、会う約束をするという意味です。
'looking forward' toとは、その友達にまた会えるのを楽しみにしているという意味です。