世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/10 10:22
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  • What's the time difference between ○○ and Japan?

  • How many hours is the time difference between ○○ and Japan?

What's the time difference between ○○ and Japan? 日本と○○の時差はどのくらいですか? 「時差」は time difference と言います。「時間帯」は time zone です。 他の言い回しとして How many hours is the time difference between ○○ and Japan? 日本と○○は何時間違うんですか? ちなみに聞かれた側になったとして、答える時は ahead of や behind がよく使われます。 例: We're 10 hours behind you. こっちは10時間遅れてる。 We're 10 hours ahead of you. こっちは10時間進んでいる。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • What the time difference between XX and Japan?

私もエリックさんと同じです。 ご参考までに、 日本標準時 Japan Standard Time (JST) 例: at 6:00pm JST (日本時間午後6時) 協定世界時 Universal Time of Coordinated (UTC) 例: at 6:00pm (UTC+9) 日本時間午後6時   ※日本はUTCより9時間進んでいるので、 UTC+9となります。 グリニッジ標準時 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)が使われる場合もあります。 例: 6:00pm (GMT+9) 日本時間午後6時
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Do you know what the time difference is between us?

  • What's the time difference between jJpan and your country?

  • What's the time where you are?

What's the time where you are? This is an indirect question. You can then calculate the time difference from the response.
What's the time where you are? 間接的な質問となります。相手の時間か何時か知ることで何時間の時差があるのかわかることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the local time in your country/city?

Local time- the time in a particular region. By asking for the local time where your teacher currently is, you can also determine the difference in time zones. I hope this helps :)
"“Local time”とは特定の場所の時間のことです。先生が現在いる場所の”Local time”(現地時間)を尋ねることによってあなたがいる場所との時差を明らかにすることもできます。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • What is the time over there?

  • Can you tell me the time difference between your country and Japan?

  • What is the hour difference between your country and Japan?

"What is the time over there?" - You are simply asking what the time is in your teacher's country. "over there" meaning the place where your teacher is situated. This is an indirect question since you may have to work out the time difference once your teacher tells you the current time in his/ her country. Example: You: What is the time over there? Teacher: It is 4 o'clock in the afternoon, where I'm from. "Can you tell me the time difference between your country and Japan?" - In this sentence, you are being direct as you are asking your teacher the exact time difference instead of asking her/him what the current time in his/her country. Example: You: Can you tell me the time difference between your country and Japan? Teacher: The time difference between my country and Japan is 7 hours.
"What is the time over there?" - 相手(先生)の国のその時の時刻を尋ねています。"over there" は相手がいる場所を指します。 これは間接的な聞き方ですね。 時刻を聞いているので、時差までは答えてくれないかもしれません。 例: You:What is the time over there? (そちらは今何時ですか) Teacher:It is 4 o'clock in the afternoon, where I'm from. (こちらは午後の4時です) "Can you tell me the time difference between your country and Japan?" - 相手の国の(時刻ではなく)時差を直接尋ねる質問です。 例: You:Can you tell me the time difference between your country and Japan? (日本とそちらの時差はどのくらいかわかりますか) Teacher:The time difference between my country and Japan is 7 hours. (7時間です)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • What's the time difference between ○○and Japan?

  • What's the time difference between our countries?

「イギリスと日本の時差はどのくらいですか?」の場合、 "What's the time difference between England and Japan?" オンライン・レッスン中に先生に聞く場合、"between our countries" 「私達の国の」  という言い方も分りやすいです。
Fukuko 英語コーチ
  • What is the time difference between our countries?

  • How many hours ahead/behind are you?

  • What time zone are you in?

You could ask them if they know the time difference between both countries. You could also ask them this by asking how many hours ahead or behind they are from you? This is a common way of talking about time differences in English. We often say things like: "Japan is seven hours ahead of us" "Do you know how many hours behind New York is?" "Do you know if the time in Nigeria is ahead or behind us?". Saying it in this way is a reference to the lines of longitude that we work out time zones and differences from.
相手にお互いの国の間での時差について知っているか尋ねることが出来るでしょう。 相手の国が自国より何時間進んでいる(ahead) または遅いのか(behind)と聞くこともできます。こちらは英語で時差について話す際の一般的な表現です。例えば、下記のように使えます。 "Japan is seven hours ahead of us." (日本は私達の国より7時間進んでいる。) "Do you know how many hours behind New York is?" (ニューヨーク時間は何時間遅いか知ってる?) "Do you know if the time in Nigeria is ahead or behind us?". (ナイジェリア時間はここより進んでいるか遅いか知っていますか?) このように質問することは、タイムゾーンと時差を計算するための経度線に関連しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Miss! What is the time difference between Japan and the UK?

  • How many hours difference is their between the time in Japan and the time in the UK?

  • How many hours ahead/behind is ... than Japan?

The difference in time between two countries is called the 'time difference' you can ask what the time difference is between two countries by asking one of the questions above. Hope this helps Teacher Jemxii
2カ国の時間の差は、 “time difference” (時差)と呼ばれます。 上記の質問を尋ねることによって2カ国間の時差を聞くことができます。 役に立ちますように Jemxii先生
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
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