世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/04 16:01
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  • Is there a convenience store on the way to the train station?

  • I wonder if there is a convenience store somewhere between here and the train station.

Is there a convenience store on the way to the train station? 「駅に行く途中にコンビニはありますか?」 「駅に行く途中に」は on the way to the train station と言えます。 I wonder if there is a convenience store somewhere between here and the train station. 「ここから駅の間にコンビニはあるかしら。」 somewhere between here and the train station で「ここから駅の間のどこかに」となり「駅に行く途中に」と同じ意味で使えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Do you know if there is a convenience store on the the way to the station?

  • Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a convenience store on the way to the station?

  • I would like to know if there are any convenience stores on the way to the station.

Do you know if there is a convenience store on the the way to the station? Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a convenience store on the way to the station? I would like to know if there are any convenience stores on the way to the station. Are there any convenience stores on the way to the station or near it? How close is a convenience store to the station? How do I get to a convenience store in relation to the station? How do I get to a convenience store nearest to the station?
Do you know if there is a convenience store on the the way to the station? (駅に行く途中で、コンビニがあるかわかりますか?) Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a convenience store on the way to the station? (すみません、駅に行く途中でコンビニがあるか教えてくれませんか?) I would like to know if there are any convenience stores on the way to the station. (駅に行く途中でコンビニがあるか知りたいのですが。) Are there any convenience stores on the way to the station or near it? (駅に行く途中か、駅の近くにコンビニはありますか?) How close is a convenience store to the station? (駅とコンビニはどれくらいの近さですか?) How do I get to a convenience store in relation to the station? (駅に近いコンビニにはどうやっていったらいいですか?) How do I get to a convenience store nearest to the station? (駅に一番近いコンビニにはどのように行ったらいいですか?)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Is there a shop on the way?

  • Is there a convenience store close by?

"Is there a shop on the way?" A 'shop' is used to describe a 'convenience store', on a smaller scale. 'On the way' is a term used when walking,driving,moving down a road,street etc. "Is there a convenience store close by?" This question is asking if there is a shop/convenience store near/close to you.
"Is there a shop on the way?" (途中にお店はありますか?)   'shop'は、コンビニのことも指します。  'On the way'とは、ある場所へ行く途中でという意味です。  "Is there a convenience store close by?" (近くにコンビニはありますか?) これは、近くにコンビニがあるかどうかを聞くフレーズです。  
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a convenience store between here and the station?

  • Do we pass a corner shop on the way?

When walking to the station, you want to ask if there's a convenience store on the way to the station. You use one of the above suggested example sentences.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I find a convenience store on my way to the station?

  • Is there a convenience store on the way to the station?

  • On my way to the station, will I find a convenience store?

If you would like to buy a few things before getting to the station, you could find a store nearby. When asking someone if you can find a store on your way to the station, the sentences above can be used. "I'd really like some cola, do you think there's a convenience store on the way to the station?" Cola: Coka-cola
駅に行く前に何か買いたいなら、近くにお店があるかもしれません。駅に行く途中にお店があるか聞きたい場合は、これらの例を使うといいでしょう。   "I'd really like some cola, do you think there's a convenience store on the way to the station?" (すごくコーラが飲みたいんだけど、駅に行く途中でコンビニはありますか?)   Cola: コカコーラ
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • en route...(from French)

  • Is there a convenience store en route to the station?

En route...Literally on the way! This phrase comes from the French language, however this has been adopted and used in English for ages! We use en route as a more sophisticated response in this scenario... en route to the school I saw an accident.
En route, on the wayが~へ行く途中でという意味です。 En routeはフランス語からきていますが、ずっと英語でも使われているフレーズです。この場合、より洗練された返事をしたいときに使うことができます。   en route to the school I saw an accident (学校へ行く途中で、事故を見た。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a conveniecne store close to the station?

  • Can we stop by a nearby convenience store on the the way to the station?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener if there is a convenience store on your way to the station. In the second sentence you will see the word nearby. This means close. This would make an awesome addition to your vocabulary since it is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
これら2つの文は、駅まで行く途中にコンビニがあるかどうかを聞くのにぴったりのフレーズです。 2つ目の文にはnearbyという言葉が使われています。これは、近いという意味です。フォーマルにもカジュアルにも使うことのできる言葉なので、ボキャブラリーに追加しておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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