世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/11 16:42
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  • One day I realized how short life is.

  • I woke up one day and realized that “life is short.”

  • One day I realized that “life is too short.”

❶One day I realized how short life is. (ある日、人生が短いことに気づいた)。 ❷I woke up one day and realized that “life is short!” (ある日、起きて気づいたことは、人生が短いってこと!)。 ❸One day I realized that “life is too short!” (ある日気づいたのは、人生は短すぎる!てこと)。 One dayーある日 Realizeー気づく Lifeー人生 Shortー短い So we should enjoy every moment of it! (だから一瞬一瞬楽しんだ方がいい!)。
  • One day I had the realisation that life is very short.

A 'realisation' is when something becomes apparent or focused in your mind. These usually happen very quickly like an epiphany and can sometimes shock people into changing the way they lead their lives. For example if someone all of a sudden realises how short life is, they may go travelling and see the world 'before it's too late'.
「realisation」は、何かが心の中で明白になることを言います。これは普通瞬間的に起こります。時に、人の生き方を変えるほど衝撃的です。 例えば、もしあなたが突然人生が短いことを悟った(realize)としたら、旅に出て世界を見て回るかもしれません。人生があるうちに。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I just realized that life is so short.

  • Life is so short and I just realized it.

  • Things change so quickly and life is so short.

I just realized that life is so short. Life is so short and I just realized it. Things change so quickly and life is so short. Life is short and I'm reflecting on it.
I just realized that life is so short.(人生が短いということに気が付きました) Life is so short and I just realized it.(人生が短いということに気が付きました) Things change so quickly and life is so short.(時の流れは早く、人生はあっという間) Life is short and I'm reflecting on it.(人生は短いです、今それについて考えています)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • One day I realised life is too short

  • One day I realised how short life is

If you suddenly think of something then you are said to 'realise' you only live once and it can be short so you should enjoy yourself and make the most of it you can express this as 'life is too short' or 'how short life is'
突然何かが頭に浮かぶことは 'realise' で表せます。 「人生は一度きりでいつ何があってもおかしくないので、悔いがないよう楽しむべき」。これは 'life is too short' または 'how short life is' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • One day it struck me that life is short.

  • I realised that life is short.

When you realise something, you become aware of it. Life has always been short, but what you are saying here is that you've suddenly become aware of that. You could of course also say that 'I became aware that life was short', which would mean the same thing. 'It struck me' means that you've suddenly had the realisation. Incidentally, the word realise (spelt with an s) is just an alternative spelling for realize (spelt with a z). We tend to use realise in British English and realize in American English.
"realise" は "become aware of"(気が付く)という意味です。人生は前からずっと短いわけですが、ここでは、そのことに「はっと気が付いた」と言っています。 もちろん、'I became aware that life was short'(人生が短いことに気が付いた)と言うこともできます。これも同じ意味です。 'It struck me' は「はっと気が付いた」という意味です。 ちなみに、"realise"(スペルが "s")は、単に "realize"(スペルが "z")の別のスペルです。イギリス英語では "realise"、アメリカ英語では "realize" が使われることが多いです。
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I had an epiphany, life is short!

  • This one day, my eyes opened to the fact that life is short.

  • One day, I realized that life is short.

Use any of the above when casually talking about life being short. Life can seem to be a long process, from the many years spent as a child to finally growing up into an adult. When we look back on all the years that have passed we realize that life is, in fact, short, life seems to have flown by. Epiphany: realization Flown by: passed very quickly, came and left quickly.
これらの例はどれも、人生は短いことをカジュアルに伝える方法です。 人生は、子供から成長して大人になるまで何年も過ごし、長い過程のように見えます。過ぎた時間を振り返ると、実は人生は流れるように短く思えるものです。   Epiphany: 気づくこと Flown by: とても早く過ぎること
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It came to me one day that actually, life is short.

  • I had a sudden understanding one day that life really is short.

You have realized that life is short and want to explain that. Either of the above two example statements should express that viewpoint adquately.
人生は短いと気が付き、それについて伝えたいということですね。 上記どちらの文でもそれについて伝えられるはずです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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