When the vibrations travel through each part, the sound gets louder.
"When the vibrations travel through each part, the sound gets louder."
この場合の「振動」は、"vibration” を使います。
"travel through ~"は、「~を伝わって、伝達して」です。
"The sound gets louder." ここの"louder"は"loud"の比較級で「より大きくなる」という意味です。
Vibrations carry through each part and amplify the sound.
Vibration is transmitted to each part in which the sound is amplified.
Vibrations are transmitted to each part which amplifies the sound.
「振動が各部品に伝達する」="Vibrations are transmitted to each part"
「音が増幅する」 = "The sound amplifies" あるいは "The sound is amplified" (受け身)
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