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2016/03/14 18:54
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  • Highly motivated

私の知る限りではそう言った表現はアメリカでは聞いたことが無いのでスタンダードにモーチベーションが高いで表現できるかと思います。 例 Students are usually highly motivated at the beginning of the school year. 学生達は普通新学期にはモーチベーションが高いです。
  • I'm all fired up for the coming academic year!

  • I can't wait to get stuck into my studies!

To be fired up = Full of enthusiasm, energy, and resolve : "If he gets fired up he's unbeatable." (Fired up can also mean 'drunk' or 'angry' or 'drunk and angry.') To get stuck in = UK informal: to start doing something enthusiastically: "We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway." "You really got stuck into your food - you must have been hungry."
To be fired up =熱意、エネルギー、そして決意がいっぱい:「もし彼が解雇されれば、彼は無敵だ」 (「酔っ払った」、「怒っている」、「酔っ払って怒っている」という意味もあります) To get stuck in=イギリスのスラングで、熱狂的に何かをする。 "We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway." "You really got stuck into your food - you must have been hungry."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am motivated and extremely excited for the new academic school year.

  • I feel inspired for the new school year.

>I am motivated and extremely excited for the new academic school year. *motivated=provide (someone) with a reason for doing something. *extremely=to a very great degree; very. ................................... >I feel inspired for the new school year. *inspired=of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
>I am motivated and extremely excited for the new academic school year. この大学の新学期に向けて、僕はすごくやる気にみなぎっている。 *motivated=やる気になる、モチベーションが高い *extremely=すごいほど、極端に、 ................................... >I feel inspired for the new school year. 新しい学年に向けてワクワクしてる。 *inspired=触発された、外部の創造的な衝動で影響を与えられたような .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am not highly motivated this season.

  • I've got the end of the semester blues.

  • I am really lagging behind this semester.

Semester is used to describe one half of a school term. So the beginning of the semester may be fun and exciting and the last semester may be hard to stay motivated and the student starts to lag behind. Lag means not able to keep up the pace as everyone one else. When someone has the blues, they are sad or depressed about a current situation. "I have the end of the semester blues."
学校の学期を表す時にSemesterが使われます。 学期の最初は楽しくてワクワクするでしょうが、学期の最後の方は、生徒にとって集中力を保つのが難しくなっているかもしれません。 Lagとは、堕落してペースを維持できないという意味です。 have bluesとは、今の状況に希望を失っている、ブルーになっているという時に使います。 I have the end of the semester blues. 学期末でブルーだ。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm raring to go this year!

  • I think this year is going to be my year!

I'm raring to go this year! This indicates that the student is all fired up and ready to achieve his goals during the coming year. I think this year is going to be my year! This means that the student is very optimistic and foresees himself achieving very high standards for this year.
例文: I'm raring to go this year! (今年は僕は頑張るぞ!) これは生徒が、来たる新年に目標を達成する意欲に燃えていることを意味する表現です。 例文: I think this year is going to be my year! (この一年は私のための年になるはずです。) これも生徒が希望に満ち溢れていて、今年のうちに素晴らしい成果を収める自分を予見していることを意味する表現です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I'm highly motivated for the school year

  • I feel inspired for the school year

There is no exact word that is used to describe how you feel at the beginning of the school term you would simply explain that you are really ready to start studying by using the words 'motivated' or 'inspired'
新学期の始めの気持ちを表す単語は英語にはありません。 シンプルに、'motivated' や 'inspired' を使って、勉強を始めるのを楽しみにしていることを表すことはできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am pumped about school

  • Optimism due to a new school year starting

"I am pumped about school" this is a casual first-person way to say you're excited about working hard at school " Optimism due to the new school year starting " this phrase describe the initial surge in motivation students feel when they begin the school year
"I am pumped about school"(学校が楽しみだ) これは、学校で一生懸命勉強するのが楽しみであることを伝えるカジュアルな表現です。  " Optimism due to the new school year starting " (新学期がわくわくする) これは、新学期が始まるときの生徒たちのモチベーションが高いことを表します。
Carolyn M DMM英会話講師
  • Highly motivated

  • Inspired

"Highly motivated" and "Inspired" These expressions are used to describe when one is driven,excited,encouraged etc. to do something. ex. "I'm motivated to excel in my studies".
"Highly motivated" や "Inspired"とは、あることに対してとてもわくわくしていて、モチベーションが高いことを表す表現です。 例: "I'm motivated to excel in my studies"   (学んでいるエクセルがやる気満々だ。)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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