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日本へ旅行によく来る旅行者に質問したいです。 旅行客: 日本は色んなところへ行きました。 ここやら、あそこやら、色々、、 私:すごいですね! どこはまだ行ったことがないですか? ↑ So, where haven't you been to?で意味は通じますか? よろしくお願いいたします☺️
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2018/10/03 18:57
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  • So... is there a place you haven't been to yet (then)?

  • So... (I guess I should re-phrase my question.) Is there a place you haven't gone to yet?

Joさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - So... is there a place you haven't been to yet (then)? - So... (I guess I should re-phrase my question.) Is there a place you haven't gone to yet? - rephrase = 言い換える お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Which parts of Japan have you not seen yet?

  • Where in Japan have you not traveled yet?

  • Which prefectures have you not visited yet?

All countries are broken up into different parts, in Japan, it is prefectures, in other countries it is called states or provinces. Which parts of Japan have you not seen yet? Where in Japan have you not traveled yet? Which prefectures have you not visited yet?
どの国にも行政区画が存在し、日本のそれは "prefectures"(県)と呼ばれます。 他の国では "states" や "provinces" と呼ばれています。 Which parts of Japan have you not seen yet?(日本で行ったことのない地域はどこですか) Where in Japan have you not traveled yet?(日本でまだ行ったことのない所はどこですか) Which prefectures have you not visited yet?(日本でまだ行ったことのない県はどこですか)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Where have you not been in Japan?

  • Which part of Japan have you not seen?

If someone has visited Japan many times and you want to find out where or what places they have not been to before you can ask: -Where have you not been in Japan? -Which part of Japan have you not seen?
何度も日本を訪れている人に、日本のどこに行ったことがないか聞くなら、次のように言えます。 -Where have you not been in Japan?(日本でまだ行ったことがない所はどこですか) -Which part of Japan have you not seen?(日本でまだ行ったことがない所はどこですか)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Anywhere you haven't been to in Japan yet?

  • Where have you not been to in Japan?

It's easy to ask where someone has visited in any country but asking the reverse question can sometimes be tricky. Safe and easy question to ask someone is, 'Is there anywhere in Japan that you have not been to yet?' -This is straightforward and relies on the person having visited at least one place in Japan before. Where have you Not been to in Japan? - This is also an easy to understand and meaningful question structure. Example: Person 1: I have been to Tokyo and Hokkaido before, they are beautiful and have lots of great food. Person 2: Yes I agree, but Japan has many other cities and destinations to explore. Person 1: You sound like you've traveled all over Japan, Is there anywhere that you haven't been to in Japan? Person 2: Yes, just some though, like Okinawa.
「どこに行ったことがありますか」と尋ねるのは簡単ですが、その反対はなかなか難しいときがあります。 簡単で無難な言い方としては: 'Is there anywhere in Japan that you have not been to yet?'(日本でまだ行ったことがない所はありますか) これは単刀直入、相手が日本を訪れたことがあるという前提です。 ~~~~~~~~~ Where have you Not been to in Japan?(日本でどこに行ったことが「ない」ですか) これも分かりやすい言い方です。 例: 人物 1: I have been to Tokyo and Hokkaido before, they are beautiful and have lots of great food.(東京と北海道に行ったことがあります。景色がよくておいしいものもたくさんあります) 人物 2: Yes I agree, but Japan has many other cities and destinations to explore.(うん、そうですね。でも、日本には他にもたくさん面白い場所がありますよ) 人物 1: You sound like you've traveled all over Japan, Is there anywhere that you haven't been to in Japan?(日本中を旅したみたいな言い方ですけど、日本でまだ行ったことがない場所はないのですか) 人物 2: Yes, just some though, like Okinawa.(少しですがあります。例えば沖縄とか)
Sam Dee DMM英会話講師
  • "Where in Japan have you NOT visited yet?"

  • "Which areas of Japan have you not been able to visit yet?"

  • "Which prefectures have you not visited yet?"

If you wanted to ask a person who visits Japan often where they have not been to yet, you could say any of the following: "Where in Japan have you NOT visited yet?", "Which areas of Japan have you not been able to visit yet?" or "Which prefectures have you not visited yet?".
日本によく来る人に、日本のどこに行ったことがないか質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Where in Japan have you NOT visited yet?"(日本のどこに行ったことがないですか) "Which areas of Japan have you not been able to visit yet?"(日本のどこの地域にまだ行ったことがないですか) "Which prefectures have you not visited yet?".(日本のどこの県にまだ行ったことがないですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Where have you not visited in Japan yet?

  • Where in Japan have you not visited yet?

  • Where in Japan have you not been yet?

Some countries are very large (like America and Japan) so if you go on holiday you might not get enough time to see everything or even alot of it so you might want to know what someone has not yet been able to see 'Where have you not visitied/not been in Japan yet?'
アメリカ・日本など国土の広い国では、旅行に行ってもなかなか全ては見られないでしょう。 どこに行ったことがないか気になるかもしれません。 'Where have you not visitied/not been in Japan yet?' (日本でまだ行ったことがない所はどこですか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How to say where have you been in English

  • Where have you been?

I would like to know your whereabouts for today or at a specific time, is another way to say where have you been in English. Whereabouts defines the location of the person being questioned. It can be a simple or a complicated answer. This would depend on the relationship the people in question are involved in. A wife could ask her husband where his whereabouts were that afternoon after work and he could answer that he had stopped in at his parents on the way home and that is the reason he is late.
"I would like to know your whereabouts for today or at a specific time"(今日または特定の時間にあなたがどこにいたのか知りたいです)は "Where have you been?"(どこにいたの)の別の言い方です。 "Whereabouts" は「居場所」という意味です。 返答はシンプルな場合もあれば具体的な場合もあります。これは質問者との関係によります。例えば、妻が帰りの遅かった夫に対して仕事の後どこにいたのか質問した場合、「帰りに実家に寄っていた」などの答えが考えられます。
Roisin DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anywhere in Japan you have not seen yet?

  • Of all the places in Japan, are there any you have not yet visited?

To a person who visits Japan often, you want to ask where they have NOT been (in Japan) yet. Either of the above suggestions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Where would you like to visit next?

  • Which places are on your 'to visit' list?

  • Are there many places you have yet to see in Japan?

Asking someone 'where would you like to visit next?' covers a couple of areas in conversation. You can find out where they have been and also the places they would like to visit next, which may be a place they have NOT been to yet. Some people that are frequent travelers may have a 'to visit' list of countries and places they have not seen yet and intend to go to. If you ask this question you are asking to know the places next on the list to see. The third sentence - the word 'yet' is asking which places they have not seen yet.
Where would you like to visit next?'(次はどこに行きたいですか)と聞くと、いくつかのことが分かります。まずその人がどこに行ったことがあるのか、そして次にどこに行きたいのか。次に行きたい場所はまだ行ったことがない場所かもしれません。旅行が好きな人だと、'"to visit" list' を持っていることがあります。まだ行ったことがなくこれから行きたい場所・国のリストのことです。この質問は、リストの次の場所を尋ねます。 【三つ目の文】 'yet' は、「まだ」行ったことのない場所を尋ねます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • You come to Japan a lot what do you have left to visit?

  • Name the places you have not visited in Japan yet?

"You come to Japan a lot what do you have left to visit?" - This would be a good way of asking somewhere what they have left to visit in Japan. "Name the places you have not visited in Japan yet?" - If you ask someone this you would be asking them to give you a list of place they have not seen yet in Japan.
"You come to Japan a lot what do you have left to visit?"(あなたは日本によく来ますよね。まだ行ったことがない所はどこですか) →日本でまだ行ったことがない場所を尋ねる言い方です。 "Name the places you have not visited in Japan yet?"(日本でまだ行ったことがない場所を教えてください) →日本でまだ行ったことがない場所を挙げてくださいとお願いしています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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