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2018/10/05 08:00
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  • I don't care how much money we spend because we are on the holiday.

質問者様の日本語の英訳になります。 普段、このために節約していた。などと付け加えたい場合は、 "That's why(what) I was saving up for" などと言えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I'm usually careful about spending money, but not when I'm traveling!

★ 訳 「普段はお金を使うのに注意してるけど、旅行のときは違う!」 ★ 解説 ・be careful about 〜「〜に注意している」 ・not when 〜「〜のときは違う、〜のときではない」  このように、否定語 not を使って「〜ではない」という意味を付け足すことができます。  I want to go out with Kate, but not with Laura!  「ケイトとはデートしたいけど、ローラとは嫌だ!」  ご参考になりましたでしょうか。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • I don't mind spending a lot of money when I'm traveling.

  • I don't worry about spending money when I travel.

1) I don't mind spending a lot of money when I’m travelling. 「旅行の時はお金をいっぱい使っても構わない」「旅行の間は」when I'm travelingと言います。お金を使う時は、「使う」はspendになります。 2) I don't worry about money when I'm traveling. 「旅行の時はお金のことを心配しない」「~を心配しない」はdon't worry about~になります。
Dillon M DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • I'm usually quite careful about how I spend money but when I'm on vacation I don't worry even if I spend a lot.

  • I don't normally waste money at all but when I'm traveling I don't concern myself with how much money I spend.

1) I'm usually quite careful about how I spend money but when I'm on vacation I don't worry even if I spend a lot. 「普段はお金の使い方に気をつけているが、旅行の時はたくさん使っても気にしない。」 2) I don't normally waste money at all but when I'm traveling I don't concern myself with how much money I spend. 「いつもは全く無駄遣いをしないが、旅行の時はいくら使うとか気にしない。」 「旅行の時」は when I'm on vacation や when I'm traveling と言えます。 「お金をたくさん使うことを気にしない」は I don't worry even if I spend a lot や I don't concern myself with how much money I spend と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I'm normally careful with money but tend to blow it during time off work

  • I usually budget well but I couldn't care less about money when I'm on a break

You are usually careful with money but during holiday/vacation/travelling, you don't worry about spending it. You can explain that by using one of the above suggestions. To blow money = to spend it very freely or on nonessential items To not care less = not to be worriedor care about something.
普段は節約しているけど旅行/休暇の間はお金を使うことを気にしないということですね。これは、上記の文の一つを使って説明できます。 To blow money = お金を自由に使う/無駄な物にお金を使う To not care less = 気にしない/心配しない
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Not going to stress about money this vacation.

  • Throwing caution to the wind.

When you have saved up enough to spend on your vacation it makes it easier to not have to worry or stress over money while you're on holiday. 'Throwing caution to the wind' means letting your normal worries be carried away by the wind and not having to think about them as usual.
費用を十分に確保しておけば、旅行中お金のことがあまり気にならないでしょうね。 'Throwing caution to the wind' は「慎重さを風に向かって投げる」(直訳)、つまり「思い切った行動する」という意味です。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm usually quite frugal, but when I'm on vacation I don't worry about using a lot of money

  • I usually don't worry about spending too much money when I'm on holiday

When you want to explain that you are usually careful about spending money but don't mind spending it when you're on holiday; you may say it in the following ways: -I'm usually quite frugal, but when I'm on vacation I don't worry about using a lot of money -I usually don't worry about spending too much money when I'm on holiday
「普段は節約しているけど旅行中はお金を使うことを気にしない」は、次のように言えます。 -I'm usually quite frugal, but when I'm on vacation I don't worry about using a lot of money (普段はかなり節約していますが、旅行中はお金を使うことを気にしません) -I usually don't worry about spending too much money when I'm on holiday (旅行中はお金を使うことを気にしません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • On holiday I don't care about my spending

  • I don't like to worry about a budget when on holiday

"On holiday I don't care about my spending" 'Holiday' is often referred to as a vacation, by not caring about something is to express you are not worries or bothered about something, in this case it is spending money. "I don't like to worry about a budget when on holiday" To 'not worry' about something is the expression used when you are not bothered or do not care about a particular thing. 'Budget' is the term used for a spending bracket, for example, "today my budget is $30" meaning on that day they will not spend more than $30.
"On holiday I don't care about my spending"(旅行中は出費を気にしません) 'holiday' は「休暇」という意味です。'not caring about something' は「心配しない/気にしない」という意味です。この場合は、「出費」を気にしないということ。 "I don't like to worry about a budget when on holiday"(旅行中は予算を気にしたくありません) 'not worry about something' は「気にしない/心配しない」という意味です。 'budget' は支出の上限をいいます。 例えば: "today my budget is $30"(今日の予算は30ドルです) →「今日は30ドル以上は使わない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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