世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/18 16:53
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  • It was so heavy that my arm was about to fall off.

  • It was so heavy my arm is numb.

It was so heavy は"何々がとても重い。" という表現になります。 "my arm was about to fall off" は"腕がもげそうだった。" という意味です。 これらの文をthatを介してつなぐことで It was so heavy that my arm was about to fall off. 重すぎて、腕が取れそうになったよ。 という文章になります。 補足ですが、 ここでnumb "感覚がない、麻痺"という意味の形容詞を用いることにより、 It was so heavy that my arm is numb. 重すぎて、腕の感覚がないよ。 と言う事もできます。
  • it was really heavy couldn't even feel my arms after.

This means it was very heavy. Your arms were very painful after.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's so heavy that my arms are going to fall off.

  • It's so heavy, it's going to break my back.

  • It's so heavy, I'm gonna die.

Especially American English can be dramatic and we often say "I'm gonna (going to) die". "It's so heavy, I'm gonna die" It's so cold, I'm gonna die" "this test is so hard, I'm gonna die". So that is fine to say when something is too much or extreme. Otherwise, "it's so heavy, I feel like my arms are going to fall off" sounds fine as well. If you add "I feel like" you can basically say anything: "I feel like my back is going to break" "I feel like my teeth are going to fall out" "I feel like I'm going to be ill from the pain of this heavy box!" When something is to heavy we often use "it's going to break my back" rather than my arms are going to fall off. But both ways describe the situation just fine.
特にアメリカ英語はおおげさであることがあり。私たちはよく"I'm gonna (going to) die”(死にそう)と言います。 ”It's so heavy, I'm gonna die" (重すぎて死にそうです) “It's so cold, I'm gonna die" (寒すぎて死にそうです) "this test is so hard, I'm gonna die” (テストが難しすぎて死にそうです) したがって何かが過度または過激である時は言っても大丈夫です。 それ以外では "it's so heavy, I feel like my arms are going to fall off” (重すぎて腕がもげそうです)も大丈夫です。 "I feel like" を加えると基本的に何でも言うことができます。 "I feel like my back is going to break" (背中が折れそうな気がします) "I feel like my teeth are going to fall out" (歯が抜けそうな気がします) "I feel like I'm going to be ill from the pain of this heavy box!" (この重い箱からの痛みで病気になりそうな気がします) 何かが重い時私たちは”my arms are going to fall off” (腕がもげます)よりもよく"it's going to break my back" (背中が折れます)を使います。しかしこの状況を表すどちらの方法も申し分ありません。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • My arms feel stretched after carrying that shopping.

The description of the arms being 'stretched' implies that the shopping was heavy and was tough to carry.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • It weighs a ton. (My arms are falling off!)

  • It's heavy as lead. (My arms are falling off!)

  • I can't hold this weight any longer. It feels like my arms are becoming detached from my body!

Any of these expresions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My arms are killing me!

Kosugiさんへ だいぶ以前のご回答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 以下のような言い方が可能です。 ex. My leg is killing me. ex. My throat is killing me. ex. My feet are killing me. etc. 常に進行形で使うのがポイントで、 いわゆる日本語で言うところの 「死ぬほど痛い」というイメージです。 「腕がちぎれる」というニュアンスは全く 出ておりませんが、ご参考として頂けますと 嬉しいです。 Kosugiさんの英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • This thing is so heavy that I feel like my arms are about to tear off.

  • It is so heavy that I feel like my arms are being detached from my body.

Something you are carrying can be so heavy that it make your arms feel like they are about to 'tear off'. The phrase 'tear off' can function as both an adjective and a phrasal verb. Here, it has functioned as a phrasal verb. If the arms get torn off, it means that they get 'detached' from your body. Such an incident can be very sad. So, you may say: This thing is so heavy that I feel like my arms are about to tear off. or It is so heavy that I feel like my arms are being detached from my body.
持っているものが重すぎて、腕が 'tear off'(ちぎれる)しそうなことがあります。'tear off' には、形容詞と句動詞両方の機能があります。ここでは、句動詞です。 'detach' も 'tear off' と同じように使えます。腕が体からとれることを表します。そのような事故は非常に悲しいものです。 以下のように言えます: This thing is so heavy that I feel like my arms are about to tear off. (これすごく重すぎて、腕がちぎれそう。) It is so heavy that I feel like my arms are being detached from my body. (重すぎて、腕がとれそう。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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